I just like calling them parasites, but I'm actually referring to this project...


I got as far as finding UK shops for the precise parts you'd need to make it.  Excluding the 3D printing and the microSD card... all the other parts can be bought for around £60 inc. vat.

Pi 3A+          £27.38   https://cpc.farnell.com/raspberry-pi/rpi3-modap/sbc-raspberry-pi-3-model-a-512mb/dp/SC14977
ReSpeaker HAT   £11.94   https://cpc.farnell.com/seeed-studio/107100001/respeaker-2-mics-pi-hat-expansion/dp/SC14879
PSU             £ 9.00   https://cpc.farnell.com/raspberry-pi/t6711dv/raspberry-pi-psu-5-1v-2-5a-uk/dp/SC15060
2 Speakers      £ 9.54   https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/372693926474
JST 2.0 Wire    £ 1.49   https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/153995021243

We've got two of the original Google Home devices (not the mini's, the bigger ones - as seen in the video in the link above) and recently unplugged them as they were annoying us by saying weird things (or odd noises) when we weren't speaking to them... and they're generally bloody annoying anyway. 

I can't wait for Mycroft to release their Mark II device (hopefully next year).  For now, we'll just use some older 'Chromecast Audio' devices with regular speakers, at least they have no creepy microphone listening and feeding the cloud.

Thought I'd share, even if I'm unlikely to make one... unless someone thinks this'd be a good Hackspace or LUG project?  I'd be happy to donate a Google Home for that purpose.

Steven Maddox