Hi all,

I hope this email finds you well!  A few updates for you regarding the LUG.

Update since my last e-mail

Due to the Omicron variant, this has meant for the last couple of months the Governments guidance was changing and Internet Central's tight coronavirus policies were kept in place.  This (as you likely had already guessed, and has been discussed on IRC/Discord) is why the previously mentioned plans for the LUG, that I talked about before Christmas, have sadly not materialised.  Although we have been gathering some excellent ideas for new workshop events.

LUG nominations

As mentioned last year, the usual annual nominations process should have begun on the 9th February.  I'm told that there isn't any particular reason why this hasn't happened, except forgetfulness!

So you should see another message appear in the general@ mailing list momentarily (from Function Office) acknowledging this and running an expedited version of the nomination process, which shouldn't be a big problem given the low activity.  This will mean we'll have a new leader in time for the 23rd year of the LUG beginning 2nd March.

Please note that due to other life, work and volunteering priorities chewing through pretty much all my available time, it would not be fair to the LUG for me to consider my personal nomination - therefore I am not seeking to stand this time, so please don't put me forward!

New Coronavirus (COVID-19) update and moving forward

We've got word from Internet Central that as of today they going in the same direction as the government and removing all Coronavirus policies that were in force at their offices.  However they still have a few bits of guidance for anyone who physically comes in, however none of it is mandatory, nor does it require any additional steps or checks.  We will be operating a telepresence system too, so that people can join meetings remotely as well.

As a result the LUG can (finally!) officially return back to normal for physical meetings.  However given a new LUG leader is inbound imminently, I feel that the planning of that should now be left to them. I'll be available to help with any transition support should it be required though, as I am sure Steven, Mark, Darren, Keira, etc... will also be.



Staffordshire Linux User Group

Part of Function Office registered in England & Wales number 06745059 at Innovation Centre 3, University Drive, Keele, ST5 5NL.