Site ideas
by Andrew Edwards
I think your ideas for the site, meeting places, linux companies, about the
members with a gallery would be a great idea. Updating the forums might show
more newcomeres and visitors that it's still active, you could even create
an irc channel for the LUG.
Perhaps something like an xoops or a e107 front on the site would make it
more easy to administrate?
Thank You
Andrew J. Edwards
19 years, 1 month
New ideas etc
by Russ Phillips
In the "General Question" thread, Dave asked:
>What sort of things did you get up to with the Cumbria LUG?
>Any new ideas etc are most welcome!
We always had far more people on the mailing list than turning up to
meetings. Meetings tended to be social (and *always* included pizza!),
although we did have a few where we "did" something, like
installing/setting up LTSP [1], or having a LUG member give a talk on
We talked about doing things sometimes, like running Infopoints [2] at
local computer fairs, although such ideas tended to die through a
combination of apathy and difficulties caused by the fact that the
county is large and the membership was geographically diverse.
However, one thing we did manage to do was help a local scout group
gain their stage 3 computing badge [3]. This may be an interesting
thing for the LUG to do, but bear in mind that it is very hard work.
Having plenty of people involved would help, since the workload can be
distributed (when Cumbria LUG did it, we only had three LUG members,
although the scout leaders helped)
19 years, 1 month
General question
by Andrew Edwards
I was just wondering how many people actively used the staffs LUG, and
whether any meets etc were planned, the site could also do with being
updated, hence my wondering!
Andrew J. Edwards
Thank You
Andrew J. Edwards
19 years, 1 month
Debian Module
Hello all!
Hope everyone is having/had a good Christmas!
Quick question. How do I change the kernel module load order in Debian?
The reason I ask this is so I can load the dazuko module, but before it
can load I have to remove the capability module then load the dazuko then
reload the capability module again (I've included the temp fix that I
Hope this makes sense?
<---Begin Example--->
rmmod capability
insmod dazuko.ko
modprobe capability
<---End Example--->
19 years, 1 month
by Dave@Staffs
Just a quick hello to our new mailing list subscribers!
19 years, 2 months