Fwd: Hardware Upgrade
by stuart bell
Spent last evening upgrading my old PC to try to speed things up a
bit. As you can see from the photo it didn't go exactly to plan but we
carried on and made the best of it anyway.
As soon as it cools down I'll try to reinstall M2006.
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years, 1 month
Re: [Staffslug] Zip Drive
by Richard Smedley
On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 23:55 +0000, Kris Douglas wrote:r using ZIPs....
> > Ah - so if it's internal it's probably SCSI, rather than parallel
> > port? Is this born out by the connector?
> > I presume it's 100MB?
> from what stuart has said...and what drive ZIPs i have it could be an
> IDE....cause one of mine is an IDE...
Oops - I forgot about IDE buses ;) - all of
my drives must have been pulled from beige Macs :)
(And istr a parallel port one with an old laptop)
- Richard
18 years, 1 month
Fed6, Ubuntu, Mandriva or PcBSD?
by Kris Douglas
Ok, so i have about 20min before i install linux on my laptop. I just wanted
to run this little poll to see what would be best...i'm currently looking
very seriously at FC6...Kubuntu normal CD isn't booting up the
installer....and the others are all set for use....
So, your ideas on the best distro for this laptop?
Kris Douglas
Mail: kris(a)softdel.net
Linux User: #436770 - www.counter.li.org
18 years, 1 month
Trebus CD Writing Utility For FreeBSD
by Frank Mitchell
Maybe you're all wondering what became of my Trebus CD Writing Utility over
the past year. I'm still developing it, redesigned for BSD Unix. Recently I
released Trebus for FreeBSD-6.x.
Trebus for BSD has actually been posted on a Web Page now. You can find it
with a Google Search for "Frank Mitchell" + Trebus, or visit: http://
Then you just need to decode the Data Block from base64 to get the original
tar.gz file.
So far I haven't seen alot of Feedback. Presumably nobody's found anything
drastically wrong with it, though it still has its limitations. For
instance: If you give it a broken Symbolic Link, Trebus will stop at an
early stage with a rather unhelpful Error Message saying it can't stat a
certain File. But it should be able to handle different Languages and
Codepages now, if your Locale is set correctly. Personally I'd like to
confirm it actually works in Chinese.
So if you have FreeBSD, you can try Trebus with it now. You'll be licensed
to use it upon.joining freebsd-users(a)uk.freebsd.org.
Faictz Ce Que Vouldras: Frank Mitchell
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.0/609 - Release Date: 29/12/2006 16:48
18 years, 1 month
Zip Drive
by stuart bell
Hope you all had a good christmas.
I have a zip drive here which, if anyone would like it, is free to a good home.
(Remember, a zip drive is not just for christmas)
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years, 1 month
[Fwd: [Liverpool] 97 MPs have signed the FOSS EDM]
by Richard Smedley
Anyone not got their MP signed up yet?
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Aidan McGuire <amcguire(a)bluefountain.com>
Reply-To: Liverpool Linux User Group <liverpool(a)mailman.lug.org.uk>
To: Liverpool Linux User Group <liverpool(a)mailman.lug.org.uk>
Subject: [Liverpool] 97 MP's have signed our OSS EDM
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:34:22 +0000
Redouble action.
We now have nearly 97 signatures on our EDM - and this means nearly one
in 5 mps have signed it. This is a huge result and in the northwest we
have been very active esp people in the Liverpool and Chester LUG's. We
are now targeting to get 100 signatures. So please check if your MP has
signed and if not then please write to them
using :- http://www.writetothem.com/
To find out the name of your mp go to: http://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/
To see have they signed go
to:- http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=31752&SESSION=885
To know what to write go
to :- http://www.openschoolsalliance.org/how-you-can-help
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Aidan McGuire <amcguire(a)bluefountain.com>
> Date: 5 December 2006 08:59:52 GMT
> To: Liverpool Linux User Group <liverpool(a)mailman.lug.org.uk>
> LOCAL MP J Pugh has put down an EDM questioning BECTA and its policy
> on OSS. Could you use writetothem.com and contact your local mp. Full
> details on what to do are on the www.openschoolsalliance.org
> 49 MPs from six parties have now signed the EDM for the Open Schools
> Alliance on FOSS in schools.
> To read the EDM go
> to:http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=31752&SESSION=885
> This is a northwest initiative.
> If you can help further please let me know.
> Aidan
> MPs who have signed so far:
> Conservative Party
> Bottomley, Peter
> Clappison, James
> Conway, Derek
> MacKay, Andrew
> Malins, Humfrey
> Whittingdale, John
> Winterton, Ann
> Open: 7 Closed: 0
> Democratic Unionist Party
> Campbell, Gregory
> Dodds, Nigel
> Open: 2 Closed: 0
> Labour Party
> Atkins, Charlotte
> Challen, Colin
> Corbyn, Jeremy
> Dismore, Andrew
> Engel, Natascha
> Ennis, Jeff
> Field, Frank
> Godsiff, Roger
> Hoyle, Lindsay
> Iddon, Brian
> Jenkins, Brian
> McDonnell, John
> Meale, Alan
> Prentice, Gordon
> Robertson, John
> Simpson, Alan
> Soulsby, Peter
> Taylor, David
> Todd, Mark
> Truswell, Paul
> Vis, Rudi
> Walley, Joan
> Open: 22 Closed: 0
> Liberal Democrats
> Brooke, Annette
> Davey, Edward
> Featherstone, Lynne
> George, Andrew
> Harvey, Nick
> Hemming, John
> Holmes, Paul
> Hunter, Mark
> Leech, John
> Pugh, John
> Russell, Bob
> Stunell, Andrew
> Swinson, Jo
> Williams, Mark
> Williams, Roger
> Willis, Phil
> Open: 16 Closed: 0
> Respect
> Galloway, George
> Open: 1 Closed: 0
> Social Democratic and Labour Party
> McDonnell, Alasdair
> Open: 1 Closed: 0
Liverpool mailing list
18 years, 1 month
by dave@staffslug.org.uk
Hello one and all..
I hope everyone is well and hasn't popped with too much food!
Anyway.. I've downloaded the new ubuntu, so if anyone would like a copy
running off give me a shout.
Have a good New Year.
18 years, 1 month
Music players and Linux
by Kevanf1
Well, it has been asked a few times in various places. What's a good
mp3 player for Linux? I think I have found one. I bought my wife an
mp3 player for Xmas. It has a 20gb memory capacity (not sure if it's
HD or flash memory) will store music in mp3, wma, wav and ogg formats.
It is 100% compatible with Linux and this is actually stated in the
manual :-) pleasant change there. It is a Commodore Evic and cost
me....wait for it......£60. Yes, brand new, no, not knock off.
Bid-up.tv :-) Very nice bit of kit.
Don't take it to the tip recycle it via the Freecycle(r) Network.
For a group near to you look here:
United Kingdom
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
18 years, 1 month
by stuart bell
Wishing all on the list a very merry christmas and a happy new year.
S :))
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years, 1 month
[Fwd: [Jobs] [oucs-d] Vacancies within OUCS]
by Richard Smedley
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Wendy Simmonds <wendy.simmonds(a)computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
To: Discuss <oucs-discuss(a)maillist.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: [Jobs] [oucs-d] Vacancies within OUCS
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 15:45:31 -0000
Unix Systems Programmers
We are currently advertising for two Unix Systems Programmers, further
details can be found on www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/jobs/unixprogs Please feel free
to forward to any interested parties.
Title: Unix Systems Programmers
Grades 7 and 8
Salary: £25,633 - £31,525 and £32,471 - £38,772 respectively
Do you have an interest in Unix systems administration? Are you gaining an
in-depth understanding of GNU/Linux systems administration? Do you have
Perl programming experience or an understanding of computer security issues?
If you have experience in any of these areas, we would like to hear from
There are two posts available. The higher grade post requires a little more
experience and may occasionally entail some leadership responsibility.
Our expanding Systems Development and Support Team has vacancies for Unix
Systems Programmers. Your enthusiasm and attention to detail will be your
greatest assets. The work involves systems architecture design, software
development and service support. At Oxford, the Computing Services
(http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/) is home to more activities than you might
imagine. We take on research and teaching within the department as well as
providing services and a help centre for more than 30,000 users. New
facilities to support teaching, research and administration are developed
here and OUCS is a pioneer in many areas. There are many other advantages to
working at the University other than the world-class research culture.
Benefits include flexible working hours, a good pension, career prospects
and excellent holidays.
As well as experience in some of the areas mentioned above, a knowledge of C
or Java would be an advantage. You will often be expected to work on your
own initiative, and will need good organizational and communication skills.
Your ability to learn and respond rapidly will be considered as important as
Please obtain further details and an application form from The Personnel
Office, Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2
6NN, tel: 01865-283289, e mail: recruitment(a)oucs.ox.ac.uk or on-line at
Completed applications must be received by 12 noon on 26th January 2007
Interviews will be held during week commencing 12th February
Wendy Simmonds
Personnel Assistant
Oxford University Computing Services
Telephone: 01865 273200
To unsubscribe, e-mail: oucs-discuss-unsubscribe(a)maillist.ox.ac.uk
For additional commands, e-mail: oucs-discuss-help(a)maillist.ox.ac.uk
Jobs mailing list
18 years, 2 months