I hate W*N !!
by stuart bell
Hi All,
I just swapped my hard drives into a "new" box. Three drives with
three distros and a 10G windows partition. Linux all fired up
instantly but Win - what a disaster, stupid thing couldn't cope with a
hware change and immediately hid behind a bsod.Tried all that repair
and recovery nonsense but no dice. Had to reinstall so now it's
buggered the bootloader and i'll have to do that again.I've only got
two win apps, I must learn how to use Wine !!
Stuart :(
Registered Linux Mangler #001
17 years, 11 months
by Simon Faulkner
Line 144 /Supported/domains/staffslug.org.uk/www/wwwroot/class2.php
Error reported as: [2]: Unable to read core settings from database -
non-existant core settings.
Line 151 /Supported/domains/staffslug.org.uk/www/wwwroot/class2.php
Error reported as: [4]: No core backup found. Please run the Reset_Core
utility to rebuild your core settings.
After rebuilding your core please save a backup from the admin/sql screen.
Pass the asprin...
17 years, 11 months
Past gripe prooves me right
by Dick Turpin
Hi All
A couple of years ago I complained about the unfair practices of DELL,
we are a reseller for them I should point out, and I revealed that
their sales strategy was based on 'units out the door' and not on
profit margin.
Now for Joe Public that's good if you get it at cost or even less than
cost price however for competitors like us it killed our 'Build our
own' side of the business.
Back then I warned that something would kick off in two or three years
time little did I know how true that would be. Maybe if I had warned
Wolverhampton Council then this could have been nipped in the bub.
Dick Turpin
"Stand and deliver!"
17 years, 11 months
coLinux (stop me kicking 7 you know what out of the base unit)
by Dick Turpin
Hi All
A week or so back somebody on this list said they ran coLinux I've
'supposedly' installed it on this W2K machine. I've downloaded the
Debian image and extracted it with 7-zip I've edited 'some' of the
'example.cfg' file and done the dos install service bit.
I can start the service (Windows)
I can get the colinux-console-fltk to start
But that's it! the terminal says its running "Yeah well I can see
that" but there's nothing booting (or is there?) and nothing
Anyone fancy holding my hand, explaining what to do (Like you would to
a 2 year old) and stopping me from kicking small puppies in temper.
Dick Turpin
"Stand and deliver!"
17 years, 11 months
SuSE 10.2
by dave@staffslug.org.uk
What can I say.. In the past couple of weeks, I've downloaded a few
distro's to see which on works best on my laptop (HP NX6125).. Debian,
nearly got there.. WiFi card just wouldn't play. Ubuntu, again close, but
no prize. (both these had to have acpi turned off as it appears there's an
issue with my laptop)
But.. I tried SuSE 10.2.. Installed with no extra tweaks to the boot
params and with the help of one page on the SuSE forum got the WiFi up and
running (With NDiswrapper).. So for the time been, it's SuSE (Although I
do keep looking at Gentoo.....)
17 years, 12 months
Free PC base units
by Christopher Tidy
I have a selection of ex-office PCs which I need to dispose of. Most have
keyboards and mice, and I have two or three 17 inch monitors which I'll
include with the first few PCs. CPUs vary from an Athlon XP 1800+ to a
Celeron 333. Most have 128 MB RAM, an 18 GB IDE hard disk and a 50x
CD-Rom. Some have a DVD-Rom. Cases are mostly tower; some are beige, some
are black/silver. Some machines have Windows CDs with them.
The specifications vary slightly and some machines have minor faults like
scratches, missing blanking plates or unknown passwords. Nothing a
competent computer enthusiast would have problems sorting out, though. The
good thing is that they're free to a good home. They'd make ideal Linux
boxes. If you want one, all you need to do is to pick it up from our house
just north of Newport (postcode TF10 8ES) sometime in the next week.
E-mail me if you're interested. I can supply a bit more information on the
specifications before you make a journey, if you're keen.
Best wishes,
Chris Tidy
17 years, 12 months
New Wall (toilet) Paper
by stuart bell
What do you think of my new background pic?
Registered Linux Mangler #001
18 years