Re: [Staffslug] Next Keele meet
by Peter Brooks
7pm is fine for all, please let me know what type of meet you want to have.
or just plain talk.
Also in terms of refreshments, last time I took the cost of providing
various refreshments on myself. However this has a minimum of £15 (£1
per person, min 15 people)
However this depends on numbers and I don't want to pressure people to
turning up. Instead I will direct people where to get coffee on the
Things are looking up on my possibility to attend, I will be hopefully
now situation in stoke & home for my job during this time.
On 18/01/2008, Dave@Staffslug <Dave(a)> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: staffslug-bounces(a)
> [] On Behalf Of stuart bell
> Sent: 16 January 2008 15:22
> To: staffslug(a)
> Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Next Keele meet
> On 16/01/2008, Peter Brooks <peter(a)> wrote:
> > Good news all,
> > A friend has agreed to take over the meetings until I return, I will
> > get a room booked every month and might even try to put it into a
> > regular cycle.
> > For now I provision a meeting to be on Monday the 28th of January from
> 6.30pm.
> >
> > Is this good with people?
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > What a good man you are Peter. 28th is OK for me.
> > Don't know what the others think but 7pm might be a little easier.
> > Stuart
> I agree Stuart.. 7pm would be better if poss?
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)
Peter Brooks - Lead Technical
Winner 'Best Online Radio' - New York Festivals 2007
Winner 'Best Internet Only Radio Station' - European Radio Awards 2007
17 years, 1 month
Sendmail & Pop3
by walt
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know an easy way of getting sendmail to place incoming mail into
a user mailbox for POP3 pickup with any email client?
Thanks, Walter
17 years, 1 month
Next Keele meet
by Peter Brooks
Hi all,
I regret to inform you all that I won't be able to run a meeting at
Keele until September since I'm taking a leave of absence from
I am going to try to get someone to take over meetings in my place, I
might even remain in Stroke for a while. It all depends on the job
market right now.
Peter Brooks - Lead Technical
Winner 'Best Online Radio' - New York Festivals 2007
Winner 'Best Internet Only Radio Station' - European Radio Awards 2007
17 years, 1 month
Re: [Staffslug] Next Keele meet
by Tarquin Adams
I am in the same boat as Peter Brooks, and would like to come along on
Monday 28th. If I am welcome, could you please give details of the
Tarquin Adams
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:23:26 +0000
From: Spatch <spatchtadley(a)>
Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Next Keele meet
To: staffslug(a)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
On 16/01/2008, Peter Brooks <peter(a)> wrote:
> Good news all,
> A friend has agreed to take over the meetings until I return, I will
> get a room booked every month and might even try to put it into a
> regular cycle.
> For now I provision a meeting to be on Monday the 28th of January from
> 6.30pm.
> Is this good with people?
> Regards
Hello folks
I was thinking of gate crashing your meeting. Would this be OK?
I've been playing with Linux on and off over the last 12 months, but am a
Windows person really. I hope you won't hold that against me!
17 years, 1 month
Horrid Hard Drives & Hairy Holidays
by Kris Douglas
Horrid Hard Drives & Hairy Holidays
…A depressingly sad 'blogmail' from Kris
So I went to France this past few weeks, twice… The first time was pretty
good, skiing in the south, lovely weather, the works… Then, Mum got her
purse taken in Geneva (that convention place), she also later broke her arm
coming down the stairs, resulting in many trips to a local hospital and 3
pins in her arm. The total of this was the loss of my Grandparent's credit
cards, one of her credit cards and £200-odd pounds of cash. When I returned
from this holiday I found out that the card that was stolen was the one that
was paying for my do-everything server, so the result was the tearing down
of my website and all my files, until I got them restored after paying a
fee. I was then getting ready to pack for a holiday with my school to
Disneyland Paris, which was actually pretty good, apart from the fact that I
found over £20 worth of credit had gone from my Orange phone before I had
even used it. Anyway, before I left we were about to start watching our TV,
which runs on MythTV and Ubuntu 7.10, the backend was said to be offline, so
I wandered upstairs to reboot it, thinking that it was just one of those
segmentations that happen every other full moon. When walking into my room I
was confronted with a blank screen, so I rebooted the computer and was
presented with a disk check "not tested in 20 days… bla testing disk…" I was
like, no big deal, happens every so often. Came back to it and it had a # in
the middle of the screen and the hard drive light was on. I couldn't access
anything on the computer what so ever, so I rebooted it… "Grub: Error 15"(I
think)… oh crap. So I went to Google and it told me something could be
missing, oh well… no big deal… live CD in the drive and back it all up, how
hard can that be? Very, in fact, it didn't work, The partition on the drive
was Unknown, it wouldn't mount and I couldn't see any files on it. –(Just
for some background here, there are 3 drives in the machine, a 200gb with
our music and TV shows on etc, a 40gb drive with the Home folder and a Swap
partition, and a 160gb which contained all recorded TV and stuff like that,
MythTV was set to put everything in there. We have about 100gb of
TV/Music/Film that we ripped off dvd's etc and other stuff on the 200, and
that was the dead drive…) So I left it for a while, made some posts on some
forums and got nothing back… So If anyone would like to assist, please do, I
will be very grateful. I was looking around and it appears that it's
possible to directly access data on some drives, so I assumed that I could
have just done that.. But as of yet I have not found any suitable
Sorry for the long post, but I'm very peed, and I'm at risk of having the
whole MythTV replaced with a set top, meaning no networked music, and no
always on machine for downloads.
Kris Douglas
Softdel Limited Hosting Services
Mail: kris(a)
17 years, 1 month
Re: [Staffslug] Proper Question
by stuart bell
On 16/01/2008, stuart bell <sailing1(a)> wrote:
> Gmail is driving me round the bend lately (for quite a while actually)
> When I open Ffox and go to mail gmaill signs in and opens normally but
> a lot of times when I click "send" it takes ages to do anything. Just
> says " connecting to gmail" at the bottom. Sometimes this takes 2-3
> mins!
> The chat in gmail is hopeless - always dropping out but when I use
> gmail chat in Pidgin it's no problem at all.
> My router settings maybe? All that mtu/mru stuff?
> Can't be isp cos gchat and messenger are ok. IRC is ok too.
> My ancient hotmail account is now much better than gmail.
> I know other people around here who use gmail without problem so it
> must be something in my set up.
> As I write this the chat is dropping in and out.
> Stuart
17 years, 1 month
Kubuntu 8.04
by Kevanf1
Apparently Kubuntu 8.04 will not be an LTS release. All because of
KDE 4 being so new and shiny. Ubuntu 8.04 will be the expected LTS
in the words of Dick Turpin "am I bovvered?" :-))))))))))))))))
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
17 years, 1 month
Arch Linux
by Peter Brooks
Hi all, just wondering who else is using ArchLinux, I've moved to it
since I was getting fed up with Ubuntu and Propaganda perpetuated by
Dick Turpin.
However it's kinda back to the good old days of messing around in
Gentoo for me, but with binaryness.
At least the ATI drivers finally work for this laptop with arch, used
the ati installer and for once the damn thing works. However this
didn't work out of the packaging system, I am remaining a bit
skeptical to pacman but I probably just require more usage to
understand it's unique effects.
I also thing archlinux is poorly named, when searching for help on
google I can often get posts from other distributions because they
include the name arch, however I might just need to modify my search
Anyway I still suggest for some to give it a try, since it doesn't
have all the generic rubbish shipped with generic distros it's a lost
faster than for example Ubuntu ever was on my Laptop.
Peter Brooks - Lead Technical
Winner 'Best Online Radio' - New York Festivals 2007
Winner 'Best Internet Only Radio Station' - European Radio Awards 2007
17 years, 1 month
Complete P233 system to give away
by Christopher Tidy
Hi folks,
I have a nice Pentium 233 system to give away. Tower case, floppy and
CD-Rom, 32 MB RAM, 1.2 GB hard disk, keyboard, mouse and a nice, bright
Samsung 15" monitor. I can also find power leads, and probably a copy of
Windows 95 to go with it.
Anyone want it to use as a router (you'll need to add network cards), or
as basic word processor, or as a historical item? Seems a pity to junk it.
Collect from Edgmond Common, TF10 8ES.
Best wishes,
17 years, 1 month