Websites, there's some dross out there!
by ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
Hi All
Some of you may know (OK Kevan knows) I create and sell websites some are
standard HTML usually created in Front Page or Joomla. I have no PHP skills
and would probably struggle to create one with just a text editor.
Recently I've been doing a heck of a lot of Googling and a good 80% of the
sites I've looked at are appalling not necessarily in functionality but the
presentation makes me want to slap the owner for offending my eyes. True my
choice of colour scheme may not be to everyone's taste but at least I don't
use, for example, yellow fonts on a white background! How the hell are you
supposed to read that?
The latest trend seems to be *Black*, OK not my personal favourite but I
suppose it can look cool if you are a Goth or something, do they use white
fonts? na, course not, no lets have a transparent overlay with mauve fonts
and a black background made up of ghosted images, lovely. Then of course
there's text with an image as the background, do we check that everything
is positioned correct and that everything fits? Nope, "So the text spews
over that pink border on my image, I like the picture and anyway I know what
it says".
My other pet hate is those stupid web effects for example the *Slider*
effect where a box of text or an image stays in view whether you scroll up
or down and of course the bumble bee that follows your pointer, its pretty
cute for about 30 seconds then begins to tick you off and don't talk to me
about background music. I was on some amoeba's website which treated me to
Whitesnake or similar on a continual loop with some of the other pet hates
of mine, towards the bottom of the page the guy stated he was looking for
*Web Creation Work!!*, make your own mind up as to what I was thinking.
So after venting my spleen with all of the above I was wondering what your
pet hates for websites are?
Dick Turpin
Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for
intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System
packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the
stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the
command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.
16 years, 11 months
by Spatch
Hi everyone
I hope you don't mind me posting this, but we have a couple of positions
available here and I thought some of you may be interested.
I've attached the job ad for you - I hope attachments work on the mailing
Basically, we're after a php / mySQL programmer. Initially, you'd be
involved in a systems/CRM project we're busy working on here.
We're also after a Systems Administrator, although we haven't decided on a
job spec for this yet.
This would be a really varied job because you'd be involved in all aspects
of our IT team's work.
This is a great place to work and we're in a fantastic location - right on
the edge of Cannock Chase near Rugeley.
If you're interested in any of these positions, please send your CV to
16 years, 11 months
'The One' I've seen one :-)
by Kevanf1
I have just seen some live use of the new Elonex 'The One' sub £100
laptop. It was being showcased at some do at (I think) the NEC.
Anyway, it was on BBC Midlands news this dinnertime. So, if you want
to have a look then I would think it will be on the early evening BBC
local news. I was a little disappointed in that though they stated it
wasn't a Microsoft OS they didn't go on to tell us it was Debian
Linux. Still, it looks nice but I'd want to try one myself in the
flesh before committing to buying one.
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
16 years, 11 months
OT: Small tremor just now? Earthquake?
by Kris Douglas
I'm no geologist.. But at 12:57 on 27th... I felt the whole house
shake... as in my monitor was moving, as was the stuff in my
cupboard... and there were no large vehicles passing outside.
The feeling was very weird, I couldn't say it was an earthquake... but
It was damn weird.
Thought I'd just let you know. I'm in Staffordshire near Leek and
Cheadle... FYI.
Kris Douglas
Softdel Limited Hosting Services
Mail: kris(a)
16 years, 11 months
OT:slow Yahoo?
by Kevanf1
Is it just me or is anybody else finding Yahoo slower than its normal
slooooow self today? Everything else seems to be ok on the web.
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
16 years, 11 months
Need a laptop
by Jonothon Nihill
Hi, guys and gals
I have a bit of a situation, My computer has bitten the dust and I would
really like a laptop to save on space etc. I dont really use my computer for
all that much I use it for browsing the net, sending email listening to my
rather large mp3 collection (omg I can hear a the missus watching dancing on
ice) and watch various video files. I would really like something that I
could install linux onto without too much messing around/using workarounds.
I have used Linux (debian) for nearly two years now I guess so im pretty
used to the ins and outs. because I dont really use much in the way of
processing power I think that I should be able so save a few pounds. What I
need I guess is some kind of guidance on this as I've never had to buy a
cheers for the helps!
16 years, 12 months
El cheapo laptop :-)
by Kevanf1
Apparently Elonex are getting on the bandwagon on 28th February with
the cheap laptops for kids lark. £99 will get you a fully working
laptop loaded with Linux. I took a brief look on the Elonex website
and it does seem to be true. At this stage I suspect the spec' will
be ultra low though. However, if it is upgradeable it might be worth
looking at.
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
16 years, 12 months
More on the cheap laptop
by Kevanf1
I've found the specs for that cheap laptop...
CPU: Aday5F-300 MHz X86
Memory: 128/256 MB DDR2 SDRAM
4 MB Flash ROM
Storage: 1 GB/2GB NAND FLASH
Display: 800x480 7!? TFT LCD
Network interface: Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
Wi-Fi 802.11b/g (optional)
Bluetooth (optional)
Webcam: 2.0M pixels (optional)
USB sockets: USB 2.0/1.1 port X 2
Audio jack: 3.5mm in/out
Battery: 3 cells, 2200mAH/cell
Weight: 950g(with keyboard)
Dimension(WxLxH): 230 mm x 146 mm x 33 mm(with keyboard)
It's good and bad I suppose. For the spec's it's cheap enough..the
bad side is that it is low spec but so what...
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
16 years, 12 months
MaxTux & Other Unix Suppliers
by Frank Mitchell
Dear Fellow-Nerds:
I haven't noticed much discussion about UK Unix Suppliers, so I thought I'd
try and start one by describing MaxTux, who recently supplied me with 64-Bit
OpenSUSE and FreeBSD.
MaxTux aims to supply people worldwide, like South Africa. But I'm fairly sure
it's not a Multinational Corporation. It centres around one bloke, namely
Stephen Lockley of stephen(a) (also 88, Boundary Walk, BA14 0LZ).
Parts of the MaxTux Website look outdated, but this seems to be because
it shows distros which people bought in the past. If you actually email a
request for the Lastest Release or the 64-Bit Version, the Website gets
updated and there's no problem. If you want something unusual, they reserve
the right to classify it as a Special Request and charge extra, but this
doesn't happen with familiar distros for PCs.
So MaxTux seems to be a very informal organisation, which relies on Customer
Demand to keep up to date. You can expect to get some hand-labelled disks,
which might take more than a week to arrive. But if you're specific, there's
no problem getting the particular Unix version you want.
Faictz Ce Que Vouldras: Frank Mitchell
16 years, 12 months