Windows/Linux shared partition
by Russ
Hi people,
I'm looking at dual-booting a laptop, and am planning to split the hard
drive into three partitions, one for Windows, one for Linux, and one
that both systems can access.
I was going to use FAT32 for the shared partition, because last time I
did this (some years ago), that was the best option for a partition that
both Linux & Windows needed to access. However, it has limitations (like
2GB maximum file size) that could be problematic. Does anyone have a
better suggestion for which file system I should use?
15 years, 3 months
by Dave Roberts
Hello all,
In the dim and distant past we were talking about using Twitter to make
content a bit more active and the possibility of using hashtags.
Well, I've put a plug-in onto the site to do just that, so I was
wondering if people are wanting to give it a try.
The hashtag I'm using is #staffslugtweet .
If anyone has any other suggestions/ideas about this let me know.
15 years, 3 months
Ubuntu 9.10 Hibernate
by Dave Roberts
Hello all.
Well, I've decided to give 9.10 a whirl and so far, it's been
At the moment, hibernate has stopped working, which I used to find very
useful and which worked perfectly in 9.04.. Just wondered if anyone else
has given 9.10 a try and if so, how are they finding it? (Also, if you
have any ideas about the hibernate thing, I'm open to suggestions!)
15 years, 3 months
October Meeting
by Dave
Hello all,
Sorry I haven't sent this email out earlier, but it appears I blinked and
September disappeared!
Anyway.. Just a quickie to see if there are people out there ok for a
meeting in Oct? (looking at 12th Oct), at the new venue?
15 years, 4 months
by Dave R
Hello all.
I've been clearing out the loft today and in my dusty adventures I have
come across some old Linux magazines and wonders if anyone would like
them, before they make there way to recycling.
They are:
Linux Journal - April 2004 to Sept 2004
Linux Magazine:
October 2004
December 2004
March 2005
May 2005
August 2005 to January 2006
If you want them (F.O.C), please let me know. If you are wanting them and
are going to the meeting tomorrow night (12-Oct), let me know and I will
bring them.
15 years, 4 months
Desperate, poor, student seeks help from lovely people
by SonniesEdge
Hi all, <staffslug(a)>
[I've cross-posted this to a few regional F/OSS lists, which means an
automatic apology from me]
I know times are tight right now, but I hope somebody out there is in a
fortunate enough position to help me. Succinctly, I'm seeking some part-time
work: LAMP web programming ideally, but I'm able enough to turn my hand to
most tech things if necessary.
Why am I looking for work? I'm a mature student (is 30 mature? Gawd, I hope
not), in my final year at Staffordshire University, studying for a degree in
Applied Information Technology. I've just finished at my full-time job,
decided to stop studying part-time for a few hours here and there (and
therefore stop dragging out my graduation date by years) and to simply get
my degree finished as soon as possible by studying at full pelt. (People
generally at this point say things like "Oooh, well done!" or "How brave!")
Thing is, I've still got a mortgage & bills to pay and, more importantly, I
fear losing what skills I've learnt if I'm not applying them practically
during this time. You can see my problem.
So I'm here, essentially writing a begging letter to all you nice strangers
out there, hoping one of you has some scraps of work that you're willing to
throw my way. I'm looking for about 15 hours worth of work a week, ideally
as an employed individual, but if I really have to I'll submit to
contracting (dealing with self-employment is just a bother while studying).
You can check out my CV here: It's pretty chocka and
you can trace my progression from web designer through to baby systems admin
/ web programmer.
I'm clean, intelligent, but unfortunately, ginger. Rejection of me on that
last point is perfectly understandable.
Charlotte Owen
15 years, 4 months
Moving my local Primary School to Open Source
by Gordon Burgess-Parker
My local Primary school is currently paying large sums to RM and MS for
their ICT setup, along with all the restrictive practices that RM seem to
operate by.
I was talking to the Head this morning, and it seems he might be amenable to
looking at Open Source as a replacement, particularly as the school is quite
small and doesn't have an actual ICT budget at all.
What I was thinking was, are there any folks who might be able to
voluntarily come along at some time in the future (I don't know when their
MS licences are up for renewal) to do an evaluation of how, what and when
and how much it might cost and the long-term cost savings?
The lack of budget is a problem, as money for ICT is paid out of the general
running expenses, and of course they don't have an ICT technician at all.
Any help would be appreciated!
15 years, 4 months
Lug Radio
by Dave
Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone is planning on going to Lug Radio?
15 years, 4 months
Duplicate posts
by Dave
Is anyone else getting some of the posts to this list twice?
I received Tig and Jon's posts from a few minutes ago twice for example,
also some of yesterday's posts about the meeting I got twice.
Anyone else getting this or is it just something I'm doing wrong?
Dave B
15 years, 4 months
sslug meeting
hello all,
I am a noob to lugs but would like to come to the next one to find out what goes on!
regards Nigel
Don't buy a faster computer! - Download a better one!! Puppy Linux !!!
15 years, 4 months