December Meeting - 14th December
by Dave R
Hello all,
Well December is nearly here and I can almost hear the virtual checkouts
starting to warm up.
Anyway, the meeting.. Usual place (that is of course if it's not full to
bursting with party people) at the usual time (18.30 - 21.00).
Can Make It:
Can Make It, but might be Late:
Dave R
Can't Make It
Thank you
15 years, 2 months
Fwd: [SC.LUG] 3 Strike Petition
by Kris Douglas
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simon Ward <simon(a)>
Date: 2009/11/25
Subject: [SC.LUG] 3 Strike Petition
To: Manchester GNU/Linux Users <man-lug(a)>,
Manchester Free Software <fsuk-manchester(a)>, South Cheshire
GNU Users <sc(a)>
Don’t disconnect us. These are the words of an online petition against
the three strikes laws and extra-judiciary powers for enforcing
If you think these online petitions are worth the bits (or they do no
harm), the please consider signing this one if you haven’t already.
Simon Ward
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Lynch <biglynchy(a)>
To: Liverpool Linux User Group <liverpool(a)>,
chester(a), NW-hack-space(a), Barry
McManus <barry(a)>, hannah Perry
<hannah(a)>, Andy Webster <andy_web(a)>,
William Noakes <wnoakes(a)>, Alistair Kidd
<alistair.kidd(a)>, Alan Pope <alan(a)>, Tony Whitmore
<tony(a)>, Laura Cowen <uupc(a)>, Robert
Law <robbelaw(a)>, Howie Nickson <salvagevisuals(a)>,
Ian Folland <ianwfolland(a)>, james coates
<james.a.coates(a)>, Keith Dyce <kedycey(a)>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 13:54:19 +0000
Subject: [hsNW] 3 Strike Petition
Hi folks,
I'm sorry to spam you all but this is really important. Some of you
probably know about this already, but if not there's now a petition on
the Number 10 website against the creation of a 3 strike Internet law
in the UK. This law will allow people to be cut off the Internet and
banned on the accusation of piracy by record companies or other
copyright holders. No fair trial, no due course of justice, no
innocent until proven guilty, just bye bye Internet because somebody
accused you. That's wrong and we have to stop it. Ok, enough
preaching. If you want to sign up here's the address -
Send this to anyone you know who hasn't signed yet and may be
interested. They have to be a UK citizen or an ex-pat to sign, so keep
that in mind when sending out emails. Thanks for your help, together
we can beat this thing but it's not going to be easy. So let's kick up
one almighty storm!!
If you want to read more about the situation and why you should care,
have a look here -
Thanks again I appreciate it, I'll leave you in peace now :)
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "North West Hackspace" group.
To post to this group, send email to NW-hack-space(a)
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SC mailing list
Kris Douglas
15 years, 2 months
Kubuntu 9.10
by Dave R
I just have to ask... What have they done with all this 9.10 release of
Ubuntu / Kubuntu...
When I was using 9.04 (Just Ubuntu) stuff just worked, but I decided to
give Ubuntu and Kubuntu 9.10 a whirl (again) and it's not been a smooth
Wifi in 9.04, worked lovely, but in 9.10 Wifi, what Wifi? And even the
Restricted hardware driver thing that did the job of sorting the Wifi
drivers out in 9.04, isn't working correctly in 9.10 (Kubuntu) (there
appears to have been bugs logged about this).. I'm just concerned that
things that did work, now aren't!!!
Has anyone else had similar experience?
15 years, 3 months
Perl Module NET::SMTP
by walt
Is anyone familiar with this?
The module works fine but when I get the emails all the ->to, ->cc, ->bcc
stuff is ignored and the from header simply does not exist. I have been up
and down every possible google lead but I cannot see where its getting it
wrong. Debug is on and all the returns from the smtp server are perfect and
without errors.
I have switched to SendMail (perl mod) for now which works fine but its a
bit odd to use.
Anyhow, any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Walter
15 years, 3 months
by Jonathan Marriott
Hi all,
This is a quick reminder to everybody that #staffslug on Freenode is where
all the business happens! Join the channel and say Hi!
15 years, 3 months
Meeting 16th Nov 2009
by Dave R
Hello all.
Just a quick reminder about the meeting tomorrow night. Starts around 18.30.
See you there.
15 years, 3 months
Re: [Staffslug] Meeting 16th November 2009
by Dave
Can make it:
Chris S
Jenette (would like to meet you all as you have helped me quite a lot)
Dave B
Can make it, but could be late:
Can't make it:
2009/11/4 Dave R <dave(a)>
> Hello all.
> The next meeting will be held on Monday 16th Nov 2009 around 18.30 - 21:00
> at:
> Yard
> Espleys Yard,
> Newport Rd,
> Stafford,
> ST16 2EZ
15 years, 3 months
by Jon Nihill
Does anyone have any experience with LDAP? any pointers to some good
info from the inter-web (I did search but finding anything relevant on
with google seems to be getting more and more difficult for me)
Thanks in advance!
15 years, 3 months
Meeting 16th November 2009
by Dave R
Hello all.
The next meeting will be held on Monday 16th Nov 2009 around 18.30 - 21:00
Espleys Yard,
Newport Rd,
ST16 2EZ
Can make it:
Can make it, but could be late:
Can't make it:
15 years, 3 months
Windows/Linux shared partition
by Russ
Hi people,
I'm looking at dual-booting a laptop, and am planning to split the hard
drive into three partitions, one for Windows, one for Linux, and one
that both systems can access.
I was going to use FAT32 for the shared partition, because last time I
did this (some years ago), that was the best option for a partition that
both Linux & Windows needed to access. However, it has limitations (like
2GB maximum file size) that could be problematic. Does anyone have a
better suggestion for which file system I should use?
15 years, 3 months