by Dave Roberts
Hello all,
In the dim and distant past we were talking about using Twitter to make
content a bit more active and the possibility of using hashtags.
Well, I've put a plug-in onto the site to do just that, so I was
wondering if people are wanting to give it a try.
The hashtag I'm using is #staffslugtweet .
If anyone has any other suggestions/ideas about this let me know.
15 years, 3 months
Re: [Staffslug] Meeting (Poss 16th Nov)
by Dave R
We tend to do the second Monday, but yes it is a bit on the short notice,
so if people would prefer the week after (16th)?
> Wow that's short notice :o Is the date definitely the ninth?
> Adam
> 2009/11/3 Dave R <dave(a)>
>> Dear All,
>> Sorry about the lateness of this but are people wanting a meeting next
>> week?
>> Thank you
>> Dave
>> _______________________________________________
>> Staffslug mailing list
>> Staffslug(a)
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)
15 years, 3 months
Meeting (Poss 9th Nov)
by Dave R
Dear All,
Sorry about the lateness of this but are people wanting a meeting next week?
Thank you
15 years, 3 months
Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud
by Chris Snow
Is anyone else playing with Private clouds under Ubuntu 9.10?
Must admit I don't know what I'm doing, just following some howto to get a
32bit 9.10 desktop image installed an connected to.
15 years, 3 months
Ubuntu 9.10 Hibernate
by Dave Roberts
Hello all.
Well, I've decided to give 9.10 a whirl and so far, it's been
At the moment, hibernate has stopped working, which I used to find very
useful and which worked perfectly in 9.04.. Just wondered if anyone else
has given 9.10 a try and if so, how are they finding it? (Also, if you
have any ideas about the hibernate thing, I'm open to suggestions!)
15 years, 3 months