CAcert members
by Matthew
Afternoon all :-)
Just a random ping really.. are there any cacert users on the list? :-)
(I was just thinking about doing assurances at the next meet or something)
15 years, 9 months
Ubuntu 9.04 Install - Yes or No
by dave
Hello one and all.
I've currently got Debian 5.0 installed and working with the wireless
(yeah!), but I'm reading interesting things with Ubuntu 9.04 and
thinking, do I or don't I?
What are peoples views?
15 years, 9 months
Re: [Staffslug] Ubuntu 9.04 Install - Yes or No
by ant burton
Wireless Network Adapter , I believe its an Atheros.
On May 4, 2009 3:54 PM, "dave" <dave(a)> wrote:
ant burton wrote: > > Hi All, > > I have installed Ubuntu 9.04, this was
done as a fresh install as ...
> <>> wrote:
> 2009/5/4 dave <dave(a) <>>:
> > > Hello one and all. > > I've currently got Debian 5.0 installed > and
working with the ...
> <> h...
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What wireless are you using?
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15 years, 9 months
Re: [Staffslug] Ubuntu 9.04 Install - Yes or No
by ant burton
Hi All,
I have installed Ubuntu 9.04, this was done as a fresh install as the
Upgrade process messed up Gnome, I managed to rescue my files though.
The only other problem I had was that my Graphics cards proprietary driver
was not found straight away, however after opening system -> adminstration
-> Hardware Drivers and it showing nothing then rebooting it magically
appeared :-)
Everything else went smoothly. Wireless worked with no messing. I install
the build essential and ubuntu restricted extras no probs and apache with
mod php mysql and python for all worked fine.
I say give it a go but probably best 2 dual boot like kevan mentioned.
On May 4, 2009 2:27 PM, "Kevanf1" <kevanf1(a)> wrote:
2009/5/4 dave <dave(a)>:
> Hello one and all. > > I've currently got Debian 5.0 installed and working
with the wireless > (ye...
I had a very early version Deb 5 running months and months ago. It
was fine back then but I cannot be doing with that Ice Weasel thing
instead of Firefox. I know they are the same thing but it jsut bugs
me. However, Deb 5 = great distro.
Ubuntu 9.04 ..... I have heard a few people mention some broken bits.
Nothing that somebody competent can't put right but broken
nevertheless :-( They shouldn't be but no, I can't remember what they
were, sorry.
So, what would I do? Dual boot. Run Ubuntu for a while to make sure
it works for me and then, 'if' I was happy with it I'd have to make
the decision of which distro to keep and which to ditch :-)
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
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15 years, 9 months