Meeting 8th June 2009 - The what's, the where's the when's
by Dave
Hello all,
Firstly. A big thank you to everyone who attended this evening, was an
excellent turn out and an even better turn out for Net books :o) (That's
another thing I'm going to have to add to my shopping list!!)
So the what's:
Summer events - This is subject to talks
Twitter hash-tag integration into the site - We are going to have a run
with it sticking the hash-tag of #staffslug on the messages (is that the
correct thing to say? Please correct if wrong).
Also, possible more integration of IRC with the site (any suggestions on
how to do this would be most welcome!)
Articles - Any sort of articles are welcome (pref. around the subject of
linux / open source if possible!).
Lug Radio - Poss. attendance?
Next Meeting - Any objections to the 13th July?
Anyway, thanks again for the excellent turn out and good luck to Tom on
the new job.
15 years, 8 months
USB Modem
by dave
Hello all,
After the last meeting where people were talking about USB mobile
internet and how they have been getting them to work etc, it got me
thinking.. Hmmm.
So, I'm after peoples opinion on what I should be looking out for (I'm
going to go down the pay as you go route as there is no way I can
justify a monthly contract)
15 years, 8 months
Meeting 8th June 2009
by Dave
Dear All,
It's the next meeting on the 8th June 2009 at the usual location
(Wetherspoons "Picture House" - (Stafford Town Centre)), if everyone could
let me know who is going etc.
I will send another email to the list for the agenda.
Can Attend:
Dave (will be there around 19.30)
Will be late:
Can't make it:
15 years, 8 months
Re: [Staffslug] Meeting 8th June 2009
by Kris Douglas
Can Attend:
Dave (will be there around 19.30)
Tom (perhaps my last one, but I should be there!)
Chris (18:00 for a burger and beer ummmm)
Jonathan (Read up on CACert!)
Dave Boucher (probably about 19:00ish)
Matthew (If I finish work at a sensible time)
Will be late:
Can't make it:
Phil Oakley (on me hols)
Kris Douglas (Nope, failed)
15 years, 8 months
Meeting 8th June 2009 Agenda
by Dave
Dear All,
As promised, here is the agenda email (a little on the light side), so if
you have any things you wanting going on (even if you can't make it, but
have something to add, please do so).
15 years, 8 months