by Dave
Hello all,
Just to let you know that I have implemented a twitter plug in on the
site, so will see how that goes.
15 years, 7 months
Re: [Staffslug] IRC reminder
jenette palmer
--- On Fri, 17/7/09, Tom Hill <tom(a)> wrote:
From: Tom Hill <tom(a)>
Subject: Re: [Staffslug] IRC reminder
To: staffslug(a)
Date: Friday, 17 July, 2009, 3:37 PM
Here. :)
(And there!)
Fully BNC'd up, so I'll always be there to pester. Daily. Joy. ;)
Quoting Jonathan Marriott <jon(a)>:
> Hey folks,
> This is a quick reminder about the #staffslug IRC channel on Freenode!
> Although the current population of regulars is small, the channel is usually
> quite active during the day and it'd be great to see a few more of you
> there!
> Jon
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)
>I am quite new to Linux! What actually is the IRC channel and what is freenode ?
Staffslug mailing list
15 years, 7 months
IRC reminder
by Jonathan Marriott
Hey folks,
This is a quick reminder about the #staffslug IRC channel on Freenode!
Although the current population of regulars is small, the channel is usually
quite active during the day and it'd be great to see a few more of you
15 years, 7 months
Meeting 13th July 2009
by Dave
Hello all!
I hope everyone is well as we've all been a bit on the quiet side on the
list as of late.
Anyway, it's nearly meeting time (13-07-2009), so if you can stick your
name down to see who is, who isn't and who might be.
Thank you
Can Attend:
Can Attend (but will be late):
Maybe able to Attend:
Dave (doing some building work that dependant on the weekend may need more
work next week!)
Unable to attend:
15 years, 7 months
Friend managed to start virtual box kernel with grub
by Kris Douglas
Hello everyone, I was just wondering if I could get some information
on some of the events that have recently transpired. My mate has
recently tried to install virtual box on his pc, succeeding in this
task, he booted his pc to see his X server had loaded default drivers,
and his mouse and network had stopped working, when I checked the
kernel version it has gone from 2.6.28-13-generic to 2.6.28-13-server.
How the bloody hell can this happen, the pc was booting a virtual
kernel, which was then loading up as it would on a normal
install....I've fixed it by removing this virtual kernel, but can
anyone shed any light on this?
Kris Douglas
15 years, 7 months