Ubuntu CDs
by Chris Snow
The Ubuntu free cd (shippit) service will supply us with 100 cds of 9.04 for
distribution to 6th form colleges and colleges of FE.
Who could help distriubute them and how many please?
15 years, 5 months
September Meeting
by Dave
Hello all!
Well, September is nearly upon us, and as such, its meeting time.
Looking at the calendar the 2nd Monday is the 14th September.
Is everyone ok for that date at the normal location?
15 years, 5 months
Linux Take-Up
by Dave
I was thinking the other day (and this morning as I sat in the dentist
office), what do you think is stopping people moving to Linux (or any
other distro that is not M$ based)?
There were a few ideas that jumped around in mind head, and I was
wondering what everyone else thought?
My ideas were:
- Fear of the unknown
- Lived with M$ for all of their computer lives (leading back to above)
- Learning curve? (I know that with newer/certain distros, it's getting
very graphical, but there isn't any c:\ !)
- Hardware issues
What do you think?
15 years, 5 months
SMS from a mobile broadband dongle
by Dave
Hello Everyone,
I came across this the other day and I though that someone might find it
useful. It's a piece of software called gammu which allows you to
(amongst other things) send and receive SMS messages using a mobile
broadband dongle like the like the Huawei ones that 3 sell. It's run
from the command line and there is a good page about it here:
I can see two uses for this:
1. When you sign up with 3 to top up a mobile broadband account via
credit/debit card, they send you a text with a confirmation code which
you need to enter on their website. With gammu, you don't need the
Windows software to read the text.
2. System monitoring independent of a wired internet connection. Your
web server's lost it's internet connection? Have it send you a text to
tell you about it.
Admittedly, I don't do systems admin work, so the second suggestion
might not be particularly useful, but hopefully this will be of use to
15 years, 6 months
Phpbb Help
by Dave
I know this isn't really Linux, but I know there's a lot of very clever
people on this mailing list, so I come to you for help :o)
My question is.. I've just updated a phpBB from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 using the
automatic update, everything went ok, but now I have no main index page..
All the posts are still there, and everything is searchable, just no main
page.. Strange.
Anyway, if anyone can cast any light, I would be most grateful.
15 years, 6 months
Linux VTL
by Mark
I have been searching for free VTL (Virtual Tape Library) software and
have finally found this product (http://linuxvtl.googlepages.com/) which
is great coz it runs on Linux and is free :)
Now I felt that this may be of interest some of you guys that would be
involved in various backup solutions for Linux based networks. From what I
can basically gather is that this runs over ISCSI so would also be of use
in producing a Linux based SAN as well (I need to check this out further)
In any case this could be if the product is stable and use-able enough an
excellent backup to disk solution before writing off physical tape.
Has anyone come across this product before?
Would anybody find this product useful?
I need to get it installed and test it before I can decide if it is good
enough to deploy in an SME environment.
15 years, 6 months
by Chris Snow
Something about the LUG logo bothers me. I've been playing around with GIMP
recently so I thought I'd have a crack at the logo.
15 years, 6 months
A few slight problems
Anybody bored!
1. What are scripts and shall I allow them- they keep coming up on the bottom of my browser?
2. How do I configure Evolution to work with webmail and if I can't what mail can I use it?
3 What is the Dell Netbook remix and shall I install it on my Dell Laptop?
4 Sound is ok generally but it doesn't work in my browser any ideas.
All on Ubuntu.
jenette palmer
15 years, 6 months