April Meeting - 12th April 2010
by Dave R
Hello everyone.
I hope everyone is well?
I am looking setting up the meeting for the Monday 12th April.
Can go:
Can go but will be late:
Dave R
14 years, 10 months
Bletchley Park Feedback
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
Would just like to give my thanks to Chris for his driving efforts,
and Dave for his organisation of the trip.
My girlfriend and I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and hope that this
sets a standard for future events!
14 years, 10 months
[Fwd: Re: [Shropshire] Bletchley]
by Richard Smedley
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Shropshire] Bletchley
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 17:02:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steve Carter <condover(a)yahoo.com>
Reply-To: shropshire(a)mailman.lug.org.uk
To: shropshire(a)mailman.lug.org.uk
See bottom post below :-D
From: Connor Birch
Where and when will we meet up?
Are we planning on doing anything afterward, eg going for a pub meal?
Since we have 2-3 hours travel time I feel it would be silly to try too
hard to stick together so I suggest the following flexible meetup options.
10:30 am Arrive at car park/ ticket booth. Meet, greet, study maps for a
few minutes then tear around like a kid in Disneyland.
12:30 Meet hut 4 "The Gallery Restaurant"
3:30 pm Arfternoon Tea!
4:30 pm Official Kickout Time.
Arrive home around 6:30-7:30 pm
-- Notes --
+ For evening meal and further evening entertainment email or chat to
Connor during the day.
+ Richard; that is great that Staffs LUG is coming too. Us sluggers
should wear our Linux badges and hats; except I don't have any! What a
shame I don't still have my old North Staffs Polytechnic sweatshirt any
+ I have one space in my car going from Shrewsbury then via Bridgnorth.
+ I do not have a confirmed list of attendees but I will have in the
next couple of days.
+ My wife made a good suggestion that drivers exchange mobile phone
numbers in case of problems.
If anyone has any better or different suggestions please feel free to
reply or call me on 01743 248 327
07951 076 954
14 years, 11 months
Re: [Staffslug] Bletchley Park Visit - Detail Review
by David Boucher
I was there earlier and I didn't see any sign of any parking restrictions.
-original message-
Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Bletchley Park Visit - Detail Review
From: Dave R <dave(a)staffslug.org.uk>
Date: 19/03/2010 4:36 pm
Good question.
People of Stafford, are you knowing of the answer?
On 19/03/2010 16:32, walt wrote:
> Dave, thanks for all your hard work on this one.
> All looks fine to me. Just one question. Is parking free at the Queens
> Retail Park all day?
> Regards, Walter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: staffslug-bounces(a)staffslug.org.uk
> [mailto:staffslug-bounces@staffslug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Dave R
> Sent: 19 March 2010 16:28
> To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> Subject: [Staffslug] Bletchley Park Visit - Detail Review
> Dear All,
> Please can you review the following to ensure the details are correct,
> if anyone has trouble viewing this please let me know a.s.a.p :
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tnJtnH-HItguAU6ceTpoYSA&single=true&g
> id=0&output=html
> For those travelling on the mini-bus it will be leaving at 8am (to
> arrive at 10.30am) from the car park at Queen's Retail park
> http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=queens+retail+park+stafford&oe=utf-8&client=
> firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=queens+retail+park&hnear=Stafford,+UK&ll=52.79606
> 7,-2.104826&spn=0.012715,0.027595&z=15
> I will be purchasing the tickets over the weekend (now that I know they
> aren't been delivered!), so if you are thinking of not going, please
> tell me now!
> The price for tickets on-line is £8.50 per person.
> If you have any queries, please direct them to me to avoid them getting
> lost in posts on the mailing list.
> Thank you
> Dave
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> http://lists.staffslug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/staffslug
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> http://lists.staffslug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/staffslug
Staffslug mailing list
14 years, 11 months
Bletchley Park Visit - Tickets & Travel
by Dave R
Hello all,
Just to let you know that I've had confirmation from Bletchley Park with
regard to tickets purchases, and it appears that they don't get sent out,
we pick them up on the day.
So anyone who is going under their own steam will either have to purchase
their own tickets or wait for me to get there.
Please let me know your preferences.
Also, I haven't had too many responses with regard to the mini-bus yet..
Can you let me know as soon as please, as I need to give Chris numbers.
(Send me an email, not to the list)
Thank you
14 years, 11 months
Bletchley Park Visit - Confirmation
by Dave R
Hello all,
Here's the list of people wanting to go with any additional persons.
Please can you let me know if any of the details are wrong or you can't go.
I am planning on ordering the tickets on Thursday as there is a 7 day
shipping, but we will get £1.50 saving on each ticket this way.
The list is:
Adam E (+1: Adult)
Ben S (+1: Adult)
Dave B
Dave R (+1: Adult)
Chris (+3: 2 Adult 1 Child)
If I don't hear anything I will take it that everything is ok.
14 years, 11 months
Bletchley Park Day Trip
by Dave R
Hello all.
In this evenings meetings we've been talking about the visit to Bletchley
Park and are wanting to know who is thinking of going.
We are thinking of doing a car share idea as the train tickets seem a
little on the pricey side. (Unless someone can get a good deal ;o) )
The event takes place on Saturday 27th March, with an admission fee of £10
(£8.50 on-line).
If we can have peoples yes/no's by the 15th.
14 years, 11 months
[Fwd: Re: Bletchley Park Day Trip]
by Dave R
Hello all,
Can I confirm this list for the Bletchley park visit?
Adam E (+1)
Ben S (+1)
Dave B
Dave R (+1)
Chris (+2)
Sorry if I've missed anyone out, but I was copying n pasting from email!
14 years, 11 months