Android Development
by Simon Faulkner
Anyone do any development with Android?
Looking to get an app written to collect and store data for field engineers
Simon Faulkner 01538 303 900
Dedicated Programmes Limited
Staffordshire Moorlands
14 years, 4 months
Fwd: Asus eee tablet (may be renamed to eeeNote) October 2010 (UK ?)
by Eugene Quinn
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eugene Quinn <eug.quinn(a)>
Date: 22 September 2010 12:06
Subject: Asus eee tablet (may be renamed to eeeNote) October 2010 (UK ?)
To: staffslug(a)
I've only just seen this but it seems to hit a sweet spot for the type of
device i've been waiting / looking for a safety questionnaire project.
That involves reading questions and ticking check box's followed with a
signature at the end of the questionnaire thats linked through Wifi to a
online db server
Asus also seem to be back in the Linux camp, I thought they had completely
sold out.
Pros -
- e Ink type screen
- Full touchscreen !
- 10 hours charge !
- Pages refresh instantly
- 8 inch so holdable in one hand
- £300 so relatively cheap compared to ITablet type devices.
- Probably has Xandros on it but this means it will soon have other
distros available for it.
- Monochrome LCD, 16 shades of grey
- Wifi
Cons -
- Monochrome LCD
- Will need a rugged version / protector case for the environments
its going to work in.
Can Asus do it again, set the standard for a whole new device format as they
did with the netbook before MS corrupted them.
14 years, 5 months
by Adam Egan
Can anybody interested in going to Unconference reply to this email in
the way we usually would for a meet?
Adam E
14 years, 5 months
Re: [Staffslug] Visit
by Kris Douglas
I'm sure quite a lot of people responded. Had to be at least 7 or 8.
Sent from my Android powered HTC Hero.
On 20 Sep 2010 18:18, "David Boucher" <dave(a)> wrote:
On 19/09/10 23:46, Adam Egan wrote:
> What's the latest on this?
Apart from you and me, there didn't seem to be any interest. At least,
no-one else responded.
> Adam
> On 10 August 2010 13:21, David Boucher<dave(a)> wrote:
>> Also intere...
14 years, 5 months
by Dave R
Hello all,
I've been informed of a up and coming event which maybe of interest and I
was wondering if people would be interested?
The meeting is:
If we get enough interest we can go from there.
14 years, 5 months
Redshift & aPad
by Russ Phillips
On 13 September 2010 23:43, Tig <staffslug(a)> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Russ Phillips <russ(a)> wrote:
>> At tonight's meeting, I got talking to Dave about Redshift and the
>> Android-based aPad, so mainly for Dave's benefit, here are some links:
>> A website selling the aPad:
> I like the idea/price point of the aPad but I am concerned about it running
> Android 1.5 as it was
> very poor when I had it on my G1, had quite a few issues with power usage
> (v.thirsty fixed in 1.6)
> and various other niggles.
That could be useful to know. I read a review of the aPad in Full
Circle Magazine [1], but it didn't mention battery life. There are
other, similar, Android-based tablets with various screen sizes (there
seem to be a lot with 7" screens) and different versions of Android,
so you should be able to get one with Android 1.6 at least, if not 2.x
14 years, 5 months
VOIP talk
by David Boucher
I'd just like to thank Adam and Chris for tonight's VOIP talk.
I found it very informative and we did manage to get a working
14 years, 5 months