Nokia N900
by Adam Egan
Those of you who attend meets may remember me having an unhealthy obsession with Stephen Maddox's N900.
This also culminated in him writing an excellent review on the device.
Well guess who just got one!
I am super happy and just wanted to let everyone know haha.
On a serious note though, if anyone has any experience with maemo or anything and has some hints, tips or fun things to tru, then please let me know!
Sent from my mobile device.
13 years, 10 months
Fwd: [HLUG] BBC news item on open source
by Richard Smedley
-------- Original Message --------
From: Julian Robbins
Currently as the 5th news item on main bbc home page there is a story titled
Labour ordered IT 'to sound sexy'
Whitehall IT chief Ian Watmore attacks Labour's recor
Half way down Bernard Jenkin, from the Commons public administration
committee, said '
*'Open source'*
*Committee chairman Bernard Jenkin told him: "You come from exactly the
large corporate culture which has bedevilled IT procurement in government.
Are you part of the cultural change the minister is looking for, or aren't
you just part of the problem?"*
*Mr Watmore replied: "I am certainly not part of the problem and I would
contest that the corporate industry of this country has caused the
*He said the "so-called IT disasters" of recent years were not down to
technical problems but "over-ambitious projects" that were expected to
deliver complex changes at a national level on a single day, "the so-called
'Big Bang' implementation".*
*Mr Jenkin also questioned the government's commitment to "open source"
software, asking how many civil servants in charge of making the policy work
had a background in the open source community. He pointed out that the
previous government's "open source" guru had left to join Microsoft.*
*Mr Watmore, who claims to have already saved £2bn in Whitehall
efficiencies, said he wants to end the UK government's reliance on Microsoft
products, which are used by about 90% of civil servants.*
*He insisted the government was committed to using more "open source"
software to save cash - but had to balance this with concerns about how
easily it could be "hacked".*
*His "personal" view, he added, was that Apple products, which he said he
used at home, should also be used more in government.*
This is the sort of stuff we need ... real good non fud on linux/open source
mentioned high in Govt echelons, and widely publicised ...
Herefordshire LUG mailing list
13 years, 10 months
Work from Home Web Developer needed...
by Steven Maddox
Right the company that I works with needs a full time web developer to
remake our own web site (SEO friendly plus social networking marketing
gimmickry), make web sites for our existing and new customers (rather than
letting our customers go elsewhere for that) and possibly re-branding of
particular front-ends that we use on our managed servers.
Services that are to be advertised on the company web site are stuff I'm
mainly implementing anyway on our new infrastructure so I'd mainly be your
port of call for what/how to write/show something. So even though the
company is based down in Solihull you'd be living/working wherever you are
in Staffordshire from home but would need to occasionally work with me
here in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
You don't need to be a guru with Linux, just have a basic understanding as
well as web stuff... and please you need not apply if you LooooVE flash -
don't bother :P Web standards knowledge is key.
If interested e-mail me back directly, doesn't matter if your fresh out of
university, but a CV would be nice and some examples of your work would be
nice too.
Might be advertising this at the Staffs Uni Job Shop later on, but thought
I'd try here first.
13 years, 10 months
Firefox 4
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
So I've been trying Firefox 4 for the past few days (on Windows). It's
gone a bit Opera'ish menu wise! :O
Has anyone tried it on Linux yet?
What about the 'Firefox Sync'? Particularly across platforms...
13 years, 10 months
Fwd: [Rugby - LUG] [REMINDER] Herefordshire Open Source Day - 26th March 2011
by Richard Smedley
-------- Original Message --------
From: Nick Morrott
A reminder to anyone interested in trekking over to Hereford that
Herefordshire Open Source Day is this SATURDAY:
>From their press release:
Herefordshire Open Source Day - Free Software Event supporting Open
Document Standards
Saturday March 26, 2011, 10am – 4pm
@ All Saints Church, High Street, Hereford HR4 9AA
Following on from our successful Sept Event, Herefordshire Linux and
Open Source Group (HLUG) is holding an Open Source day at All Saints
Church, High Street, in the centre of Hereford on Saturday 26th of
March 2011 from 10am - 4pm. The Event is being held on a drop-in
basis and is free to attend.
We will be focusing on Open Source Cross Platform Software - software
that can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux, demonstrating a number of
Linux operating systems and giving away lots of free Open Source
Software for you to use.
Dr Mark Wright who is Bristol Council's cabinet member responsible
for 'efficiency and value for money' and an Open Source advocate will
be speaking in the afternoon about his experience of Open Source in
Local Government.
The event is being held as a part of the global Document Freedom Day
initiative to highlight the need for Open Document Standards and we
will be showcasing Open Source Office Suites which use open document
13 years, 11 months
BSD certification
by Andrew Edwards
Hi all
is anyone interested in sitting the exams for a bsd certification?
We could host a certification exam evening if we get some interest...
Let me know your thoughts
Andrew Edwards
13 years, 11 months
Lug Tech Meetings
by Dave R
>From last nights meeting (14th March 2011) the following tech meetings were
Install Fest
Basic Admin / Security
De-mistifing the command line
Compare windows server / ubuntu server
If you have any more ideas, please post back to the list, keeping within
this thread.
Thank you
13 years, 11 months
Staffslug] Delegation of lug responsibilities]
by Dave R
Ok, the list stands like (please correct me if I've put anything wrongly):
Helpings With Events (not meetings): Dave B / Chris S
Mailing List Moderation:Adam E
Site Content (Moderator):Adam E / Kris D / Thomas M
Site Content (Creating):Kris D / Thomas M
Helping To Arrange Tech Meetings: Dave B
Possible accounts:
Staffslug mailing list
13 years, 11 months
Delegation of lug responsibilities
by Dave R
As we've now got a few members and people are asking for more lug based
things (tech meetings / events etc), and due to circumstances outside lug
world I need to delegate responsibilities within the lug..
So, below are the areas I'm looking for, so if you could stick your name
against the area and either reply back to the list (keeping within this
thread) or reply to me.
Helpings With Events (not meetings):
Mailing List Moderation:
Site Content (Moderator):
Site Content (Creating):
Helping To Arrange Tech Meetings:
Possible accounts:
Don't worry if there is already a name against it, the more the better!
13 years, 11 months