*****SPAM***** New Spiegel CD/DVD Iso Image Burner
by Frank Mitchell
Hi all:
I've invented an alternative to cdrecord/wodim/burncd, naming it "Spiegel".
It's a completely new program, owing nothing to those previous utilities.
Attached is LxSpieg.tar.gz, containing the Source Code for Linux plus a
README. A FreeBSD version is possible too, but the Linux version works better.
Hope you like the Wildebeest License.
Yours truly: Frank Mitchell
13 years, 6 months
Re: [Staffslug] Survey
by Krishna Birth
[Subject corrected]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Krishna Birth <krishnabirth(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: Staffslug Digest, Vol 68, Issue 12
To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:26 AM,
<staffslug-request(a)staffslug.org.uk> wrote: [precis]
> 2. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (Kris Douglas)
The thing about Linux is that it is not a monopoly in comparison to
Microsoft Windows. There is not a Linux distro monopoly either. Thus
based on these generics I don't see you have a valid argument.
Regarding specifics, basically there is no other distro doing specific
k/K alteration for the users in the West/Internationally, rail
modelling from a spiritual perspective amongst other differentiators
and all this based on a Spiritual Master's wishes and philosophy.
> 3. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (Benjamin Wragg)
Please see above previous response. Also it is a root based
philosophy, thus this distro is for a wider audience. The other
popular distros have a big development base though it is only
material. This distro is for beyond religion, the spiritual realm.
This root based philosophy says water the root of the plant and not
it's leaves because then it is successful.
> 4. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (martin rome)
Please see above previous responses. I hope these responses bring
some progress for this important project.
13 years, 8 months
Re: [Staffslug] Staffslug Digest, Vol 68, Issue 12
by Krishna Birth
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 11:26 AM,
<staffslug-request(a)staffslug.org.uk> wrote: [precis]
> 2. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (Kris Douglas)
The thing about Linux is that it is not a monopoly in comparison to
Microsoft Windows. There is not a Linux distro monopoly either. Thus
based on these generics I don't see you have a valid argument.
Regarding specifics, basically there is no other distro doing specific
k/K alteration for the users in the West/Internationally, rail
modelling from a spiritual perspective amongst other differentiators
and all this based on a Spiritual Master's wishes and philosophy.
> 3. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (Benjamin Wragg)
Please see above previous response. Also it is a root based
philosophy, thus this distro is for a wider audience. The other
popular distros have a big development base though it is only
material. This distro is for beyond religion, the spiritual realm.
This root based philosophy says water the root of the plant and not
it's leaves because then it is successful.
> 4. Re: Survey: Build Your Own Distro (martin rome)
Please see above previous responses. I hope these responses bring
some progress for this important project.
13 years, 8 months
by Krishna Birth
I would be grateful for answers to this survey, please number your
answers for relating them to the questions below.
This ( Linux User and Dev. Magazine #101 Build Your Own Distro
) has choices for building your own distro.
For the ones that interested me it says:
susestudio.com is easy, polished, good documentation and web-based
though it's Suse only
instalinux.com has choice and is web-based though not polished interface
uck.sourceforge.net is easy though Ubuntu only, not customisable
look/feel and start from scratch approach to changes
geekconnection.org/remastersys is very flexible and copies environment
though Debian/Ubuntu only, not in Ubuntu yet and needs separate
linuxfromscratch.org is flexible though requires manual steps
revisor.fedoraunity.org is easy and offers possibilities though Fedora only
1. What tool is best for a non-techie to build linux distro?
2. Could the other distros logos / firmware gui be changed on them?
3. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for non-techie?
4. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for the
distro customisation/flexibility (similar to question 2)?
5. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is the quickest to
produce the distro for the non-techie?
6. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for
consultant/expert to produce distro?
7. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is easiest for
non-techie to upgrade over time?
8. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which offer to the
non-techie easiest live and installable distro?
9. If a consultant/expert was to use susestudio, remastersys or
revisor, how much time would be spent to remove all fonts and put 2
fonts perhaps bitmap one font also, the distro logo and a live,
installable, bootable media and downloadable distro?
10. If a non-techie was to use susestudio, remastersys or revisor,
how much time would be spent to remove all fonts and put 2 fonts, the
distro logo and a live, installable, bootable media and downloadable
11. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which offers the most
quality community help?
12. Do any offer paid options where their team creates the distro for
you for a fixed fee?
13 years, 8 months
Survey: Build Your Own Distro
by Krishna Birth
I would be grateful for answers to this survey, please number your
answers for relating them to the questions below.
This ( Linux User and Dev. Magazine #101 Build Your Own Distro (see
the attached cover from the magazine)
) has choices for building your own distro.
For the ones that interested me it says:
susestudio.com is easy, polished, good documentation and web-based
though it's Suse only
instalinux.com has choice and is web-based though not polished interface
uck.sourceforge.net is easy though Ubuntu only, not customisable
look/feel and start from scratch approach to changes
geekconnection.org/remastersys is very flexible and copies environment
though Debian/Ubuntu only, not in Ubuntu yet and needs separate
linuxfromscratch.org is flexible though requires manual steps
revisor.fedoraunity.org is easy and offers possibilities though Fedora only
1. What tool is best for a non-techie to build linux distro?
2. Could the other distros logos / firmware gui be changed on them?
3. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for non-techie?
4. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for the
distro customisation/flexibility (similar to question 2)?
5. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is the quickest to
produce the distro for the non-techie?
6. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is best for
consultant/expert to produce distro?
7. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which is easiest for
non-techie to upgrade over time?
8. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which offer to the
non-techie easiest live and installable distro?
9. If a consultant/expert was to use susestudio, remastersys or
revisor, how much time would be spent to remove all fonts and put 2
fonts perhaps bitmap one font also, the distro logo and a live,
installable, bootable media and downloadable distro?
10. If a non-techie was to use susestudio, remastersys or revisor,
how much time would be spent to remove all fonts and put 2 fonts, the
distro logo and a live, installable, bootable media and downloadable
11. From susestudio, remastersys and revisor which offers the most
quality community help?
12. Do any offer paid options where their team creates the distro for
you for a fixed fee?
13 years, 8 months
Re: [Staffslug] Staffslug Digest, Vol 68, Issue 8
by Krishna Birth
> Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:53:54 +0100
> From: Kevanf1 <kevanf1(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Bring Your Own Server
> To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> Interesting concept, Meeku. Now I think I see where you have been
> coming from all this time with the various questions you have asked.
> Am I right in thinking that you are looking at tying a religious
> aspect into technology? Sort of endowing a server (or servers) with a
> spiritual core due to the cooling from blessed river water? I am not
> and would not poke fun at you for this, if this is your wish then I
> wish you all the best. What I will say is make sure the water you use
> is filtered and sterilised if that is allowed. If not you will find
> all sorts of algae growing within your cooling system and very quickly
> getting clogged up and eventually frying your CPU :-(
> --
> ==============================================
> Kevan
> Linux user #373362
> Staffordshire
> **********************************************
> www.freeworld-recycling.org
> 'From me to you towards a sustainable future.'
> **********************************************
If doing activities for spiritual reasons that also require websites,
utilising India holy rivers water cooled hosting servers is great.
13 years, 8 months
Re: [Staffslug] Bring Your Own Server
by Krishna Birth
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Krishna Birth <krishnabirth(a)gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Staffslug Digest, Vol 68, Issue 8
To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 12:53:54 +0100
> From: Kevanf1 <kevanf1(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Bring Your Own Server
> To: staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
> Interesting concept, Meeku. Now I think I see where you have been
> coming from all this time with the various questions you have asked.
> Am I right in thinking that you are looking at tying a religious
> aspect into technology? Sort of endowing a server (or servers) with a
> spiritual core due to the cooling from blessed river water? I am not
> and would not poke fun at you for this, if this is your wish then I
> wish you all the best. What I will say is make sure the water you use
> is filtered and sterilised if that is allowed. If not you will find
> all sorts of algae growing within your cooling system and very quickly
> getting clogged up and eventually frying your CPU :-(
> --
> ==============================================
> Kevan
> Linux user #373362
> Staffordshire
> **********************************************
> www.freeworld-recycling.org
> 'From me to you towards a sustainable future.'
> **********************************************
n.b. I am re-posting with subject line corresponding to the original
post, is that the way to respond to mailing list digests?
If doing activities for spiritual reasons that also require websites,
utilising India holy rivers water cooled hosting servers is great.
There was an item quite interesting.
This was from:
"Liquid Cooling Gets Sun Co-Founder’s Backing"
13 years, 8 months
Bring Your Own Server
by Krishna Birth
I am not a techie and thus could any expert please say if there are
any data centres in GB offering inexpensive, 'Bring Your Own Server'
service with possibility to set up the India holy river water cooled
PC into a server for hosting websites? Sorry if this mailing list
post is a bit different to the what you are used to.
13 years, 8 months
Could you build a water cooled PC?
by Krishna Birth
I am interested also in having a water cooled PC. I am on a budget.
Thus it should not be expensive. The watercooling kit should be open
not closed / sealed unit because it should allow me to put the
distilled water.
13 years, 8 months