April Meeting - Monday 9th April 2012 (Stafford)
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
Due to the poor response on the stoke-based meet, I've decided to switch it
back to Stafford. I must admit, I was really surprised given the enthusiasm
we've had in the past for a North Staffs meet.
As usual, if everyone could make their intentions known by signing/replying
to this email.
April's meeting is a 'social' meeting at venue below:
The Yard
Espleys Yard
ST16 2EZ
#Can Attend
Adam E
#Might Attend
#Not this time
Message a bit short? Here's why... http://emailcharter.org/
12 years, 10 months
March 2012 Meeting - Stoke
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
I bet you all thought I'd forgotten, right? :)
Nope! Basically... Can I please get a show of hands to see who would be
interested in attending a meet at The Glebe in Stoke-on-Trent on Monday
12th or Tuesday 13th?
Directions: http://g.co/maps/u3cm8
Start time would be 18:30 as usual.
Message a bit short? Here's why... http://emailcharter.org/
12 years, 11 months
Mint 12
by dave@staffslug.org.uk
Anyone used Mint 12?
12 years, 11 months