Fwd: Re: [Fsfe-uk] final gov consultation on Open Standards
by Richard Smedley
Working with government? Have your say on Open Standards,
29th May at MadLab.
- Richard
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] final gov consultation on Open Standards
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 13:08:20 +0100 (BST)
From: Glyn Wintle <glynwintle(a)yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Glyn Wintle <glynwintle(a)yahoo.com>
To: fsfe-uk(a)gnu.org <fsfe-uk(a)gnu.org>
More meetings on gov consultation on Open Standards
Upcoming Events
Roundtable 5: Levelling the Playing Field in the North West
29 May 3.30pm-5.30pm – Manchester
An event focussed on SMEs to discuss:
How would mandating open standards in government IT affect your
If the government adopts open standards, will it make it easier or
harder for you to do business with us – does it help level the playing
Do you have any examples of times when the lack of open standards
has acted as a barrier to you doing business with us?
What might adopting open standards prevent?
Roundtable 6: Competition and European Interaction
31 May 1.45pm-4.30pm – London (and via phone)
This event will be a face-to-face meeting but will also have
teleconference facilities available for those unable to join us in
person. Topics for discussion include:
Are there any legal or procurement barriers to mandating specific
open standards in the UK Government’s IT?
Is the proposed UK policy compatible with European policies,
directives and regulations (existing or planned) such as the European
Interoperability Framework version 2.0 and the reform proposal for
European Standardisation?
Will the open standards policy be beneficial or detrimental for
innovation and competition in the UK and Europe?
Roundtable 7: Open Opportunities with Community and Voluntary Services
1 June 4pm-5.30pm – via telephone conference
This will be a teleconference only event. Topics for discussion include:
How would mandating open standards for government IT affect you?
If the government adopts open standards, will it make it easier or
harder for you to work with us?
Do you have any examples of times when government IT systems have
acted as a barrier to you working with us?
What might adopting the proposed open standards policy prevent?
Fsfe-uk mailing list
SC mailing list
12 years, 9 months
Fwd: [Potteries Hackspace] First meeting of the Potteries Hackspace
by Richard Smedley
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Si_halliday
Date: 5 May 2012 12:24
After a bit of juggling, I've managed to arrange the first hackspace
meeting for the 16th of May at 7pm. This will take place at the TECC
in Tunstall.
Im going to set up an Eventbrite ticketing system, just so we can get
an idea of numbers wishing to attend, as space may be a little
I see the meetings as being very informal to start with, a place to
play with tech, socialise and get to know everyone before we start to
decide how to run the hackspace properly.
As the TECC is a charity, they'd be grateful if we could contribute a
litle to their running costs, so for now a whip round has been
So please let me know if your interested in attending, bring something
to play with if you have it, and I hope to see you on the 16th!
12 years, 9 months
Raspberry Pi's
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
Firstly, what is the plural of Pi? "Pis" didn't look right but then neither
does "Pi's" ! :(
But back to the main purpose of this message... My Raspberry Pi is due to
be delivered WB 28/05 and I was wondering if anybody else had bought one?
I'm mainly wanting to see what (if any) wonderful ideas people have got for
theirs, as I mainly ordered mine on a whim and need to figure out what to
use it for!
Message a bit short? Here's why... http://emailcharter.org/
12 years, 9 months
Meeting - Monday 14th May 2012
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
May's meeting will be a 'social' meeting at venue below.
As usual, if everyone could make their intentions known by signing/replying
to this email.
The Yard
Espleys Yard
ST16 2EZ
#Can Attend
Adam E
#Might Attend
#Not this time
Message a bit short? Here's why... http://emailcharter.org/
12 years, 9 months
Ubuntu 12.04
by dave@staffslug.org.uk
Just a quickie, has anyone given the full release of 12.04 a spin yet?
12 years, 9 months