Meeting - Monday 16th July 2012
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
July's meeting will be a 'social' meeting at venue below.
As usual, if everyone could please make their intentions known by
signing/replying to this email.
The Yard
Espleys Yard
ST16 2EZ
# Can Attend
Adam E
# Might Attend
# Not this time
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 7 months
Next (Technical) Meeting - Privacy & Anonymity Online
by Adam Egan
Hi Everyone,
You will remember I sent an email out recently regarding a possible meeting
on this subject.
Please could I get a show of digital hands of those who would be interested
in attending this meeting?
Is there anyone else who would like to contribute in some way?
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 7 months
Technical Meeting Plans (August?)
by Adam Egan
Hi Everyone,
I was considering the idea of a technical meeting based on the following
* Censorship
* Anonymity
* Privacy
Obvious topics would be things like Tor, Bitcoins, VPNs...
But other topics which could also be debates would include:
* Censorship - Why? How? Right/wrong?
* Privacy - Does it matter? How valuable is it? How could/should you defend
Does anybody have an interest in this kind of thing or does anybody want to
learn a bit about these topics?
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 7 months
Fwd: [Liverpool] Oggcamp Registration
by Richard Smedley
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Liverpool] Oggcamp Registration
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 15:30:53 +0100
From: Dan Lynch
Hi Folks,
Just a quick reminder in case I haven't bugged you enough already. We're
running OggCamp <> in Liverpool again this year. The
biggest Free Software and Free Culture event in the UK. It's 2 days of
talks, workshops, parties, hands on hacking sessions and more. It's all
free (as in beer) and you can sign up via Eventbrite. More details at -
Mark the date in your diary: *August 18th & 19th 2012* @ *LJMU Art & Design
Academy*, Liverpool City Centre. It runs 10am - 5pm each day with social
events in the evenings.
There's 5 tracks this time. One scheduled speaker track, 3 barcamp tracks
and our Open Hardware Jam room where we'll be joined by some of the best
hackers and projects around: Raspberry Pi, Fignition, Arduino, ColorHug and
RepRap to mention just a few. Pitch a talk or session for the barcamp and
share something you think others may find interesting. The schedule is
finalised on the weekend by our wonderful Free (as in Freedom, it's GPL)
CampFire Manager software. Attendees can vote via the web or text message
and we put the most popular talks in the biggest rooms. It's not just about
source code and circuit boards, though those are important. We also have
art, music, animation, politics, economics, open data and almost anything
you could want to know about. The overall rule is that knowledge should be
shared, that way everyone can benefit.
I think that's enough hard sell. If you have a project you'd like to
exhibit, or just just have some pressing questions about the event, please
drop me an email.
We're kindly supported this time by the wonderful *Open Labs @
* and *Bytemark Web Hosting <>*.
Hope to see many of you there, if you haven't signed up yet, do it now and
please tell friends.
12 years, 7 months