September Meeting - 17th, not 10th
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
Apparently when I sent this initial email how and received no response, the
list had actually decided to... run away :/
Not quite sure how that happened, but I'm therefore posting a new meeting
request for the 17th - unless anybody has temporal transportation? :)
So September's meeting will be a 'social' meeting at venue below.
As usual, if everyone could please make their intentions known by
signing/replying to this email.
The Yard
Espleys Yard
ST16 2EZ
# Can Attend
Adam E
# Might Attend
# Not this time
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 5 months
Trac vs Redmine
by Adam Egan
Hi Everyone,
I was just wondering if anybody here used the Trac or Redmine project
management tools?
I'm trying to decide which one to use so I'm open to opinions etc.
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 5 months
Giz a job
by Chris Snow
Hello luggers.
We want to hire an ICT technician at my place of work (a high school
in Staffs Moorlands) after the long-standing incumbent left on a
promotion elsewhere.
There is a Linux and open-source element (web site is Ubuntu LTS
server) and we user several open apps running on WIn 7.
It's predominately a network support, Windows support and systems dev
role and supporting some in-house VB and ASP.
There are vanilla windows networks based on 7 and Server 2003,8 and
one network with RM CC4 management tools sitting on top of Windows.
Some interesting technologies to work with:VMware (almost all servers
are virtual), Citrix XenApp (7 servers), SAN, managed wireless
network. 6 remote sites in the domain
Pay scale is not fantastic £18.5k ish to start, but it's a good
environment to work in, an understanding employer and a rewarding job.
Opportunity to get involved with the school life, foreign trips, days
out etc. Great boss too, (OK its me).
Get in touch if interested.
12 years, 5 months
Meeting - Monday 10th September 2012
by Adam Egan
Hi all,
September's meeting will be a 'social' meeting at venue below.
As usual, if everyone could please make their intentions known by
signing/replying to this email.
The Yard
Espleys Yard
ST16 2EZ
# Can Attend
Adam E
# Might Attend
# Not this time
Message a bit short? Here's why...
12 years, 5 months