On 17 February 2010 15:25, Jonathan Marriott <jon(a)kiwiuk.net> wrote:
Attention lurkers: come to a meeting!
Nothing interesting happening by the sounds of it, IF something was
planned and there was effort made by all then let me know.
I'll probably attend meetings at the uni... that sounds like the best
idea since they stopped us slicing our own bread.
Why doesn't someone invite a lug over? Or arrange a guest speaker?
Simon might be able to arrange someone interesting - if he's still on
the list?
Who's running the lug? I think it needs a main person.. Cause it's all
well me going and finding someone to speak at a meeting, but who gives
the OK? Is it still Dave? You could say it doesn't need someone in
this position given its size etc.. but realistically someone is
required to steer direction.
All the best
Andrew Edwards