Why not, I dont mind writing stuff I'm no Shakespeare but I can knock up a few howtos etc. I wasn't criticizing anyone by the way, sorry if it came across like that. what sort of things do you think people would like to read? or should I address that to the list in a separate post?


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:43 AM, <staffslug@staffslug.org.uk> wrote:
2008/12/2  <staffslug@staffslug.org.uk>:
> Must admit the list is a bit dormant (maybe people are hibernating? I think
> it would be better if we maybe generated some content for the website? I've

I haven't looked at the web site for ages, but it still has the two
articles that I wrote way back when (Introducing EncFS
& Virtual Machines on Linux). Unfortunately, they appear to have got
messed up in a move to a new CMS.

> just had a look on there and other than a a news ticker and that BBC thing
> we dont have a whole pile. I've seen other lug's pages that have been
> crammed with content. Just an idea?

Having content on the web site needs people to write something for it.
Are you volunteering to write something?


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