On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Jonathan Marriott <jon@kiwiuk.net> wrote:
MiniITX.com and LinITX are two places that you should have a peek at.

On 16/03/2008, Jon Nihill <jonothon.nihill@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey folks,

Yes it's me again that annoying guy who is always asking stupid
questions. Anyway, I'm bored (oh no I hear you cry) and would like to do
some messing around with mini-itx. I'm just wondering if any of you
linux peeps(I include myself in that statement) have had any experience
with mini-itx  and linux in general and maybe know of some good sites
that sell mini-itx stuff.

Thanks in advance!
~Jon Nihill.

Staffslug mailing list

I have a little M-ITX machine ...  they aren't cheap... i recommend them only if you have a purpose, really, although they are very fun to mess with :)

Kris Douglas
Softdel Limited Hosting Services
Web: www.softdel.net
Mail: kris@softdel.net