I think your coming over as a little harsh here. Sure he distro hops but he does have a valid point. If I needed a saw to cut something and the one I was using didnt work right I'd try another. Not try to modify the saw to do the job. For a lot of people a computer is a tool for others its all about the tinkering. whatever you do is upto you but please dont go scolding people openly for doing something their way.
>> So don't moan about not being able to get things to work when you haveif they'd been unsuccessfully trying to master linux for the majority
>> been using distro after distro without learning basic configuration
>> procedures for the DAMN LINUX ITSELF!
> Is that the same advice you'd give my grandmother or my brother who
> know nothing about computers, but have trouble installing some distros
> on their PC?
of a decade, yes, yes i would
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