Boats are great fun when the weather is good. I'll look out a photo to mail
you in a minute.
My mandriva a problem still. Yesterday havingdone a complete reinstall
followed by all the usb modem driver stuff it worked all day, I even
diconnected and reconnected using the icon on screen- no problem. This
morning I booted the PC and no good again. It tells me that the PPPo
interface is down and the sync light is off on the modem (not all the time!)
I'm using it now with the other PC (XP) so I know the line is OK. When I
installed the modem driver patch I saw, as the script flashed past, a line
saying something about dependencies or rather the lack of them. I'm lost
here and pretty fed up with not understanding this stuff. Maybe I should
dump the Mandriva and try something else, perhaps one that others in this
group use?