On 13/08/07, ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin <dick_turpin@archlinux.us> wrote:
On 12/08/07, adam nicholls <inkysplat@gmail.com> wrote:

Wow this Linux for Chocolate idea seems to have attracted alot of
attention maybe Staffslug can be put on the map...

I agree but we need to be quick before someone I and Kevan knows pinches the idea, or at least the slogan and makes out it was all his idea or at least lets everyone think it was his idea!

we'll have our interview on Lugradio yet,

Thats easy tell them it runs on Ubuntu  you'll be on quicker than a blink of the eye.

and some possibly overweight geeks who've
eaten too much chocolate!

What Sparkes is back? where? (Former Lugradio presenter, friend and sparring partner)

I sadly agree, this is a probelm if someone steals it... I think we should get a page on the site ASAP. But i think Dave has gone missing O__o


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.

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