On 12/08/07, Kris Douglas <webbox.uk@gmail.com> wrote:

yeah, we had one not long ago, it was brilliant. I recommend maybe a wiki for everything, we can just integrate e107 into that..

I very quickly scanned through the replies (Will read them properly later) so sorry if this is yet another fork on the idea or if I've got the sense of direction wrong.

I agree that it might be a bit silly to offer yet another 'Download' environment, members recommendations seems OK but I for one don't fancy seeing a "This is the best because everyone else uses it" type site, how about this as an idea.

Set up a ticket system you know the sort of thing for fault calls ect, thats a backend to a web/wiki page offering help. Members sign up to give support on a range of subjects be it one item or a thousand and one and Joe public (Or me) goes to the web page/wiki looks down the list selects the desired help item and clicks on the relevant link.

Problems are categorized by chocolate level which you click on which in turn sends/registers a fault call (I'll call it that for a minute its easier to understand what I'm on about) so for example sake;

Mars Bar (Maybe a picture of one too) = No X display blah blah blah (eg loads of low level problems)

Bar of Cadburys (--^--) = Cant compile blah blah blah

Box of dairy milk (--^--) = Can you come and install it for me

The above are mega rough examples but hopefully you get the way my mind is working the beauty of a ticket system as you know means it can be tracked to resolution you can see who resolved it you can see who asked for it.

Then we can all run round Kris's house coz he's got all the chocolate. :-P

If I get a chance I'll do a mock up of the sought of page I'm thinking of tomorrow if thats OK with  you?

On the other hand if thats not what everyone wants I'll get me coat.

P.S. Stick with the name Linux for Chocolate it really sounds brilliant!


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.