Hello All,
Firstly a thank you for everyone that turned out this evening, good show :o)
Right, what stuff went on.
- Twitter presence. This was mentioned previously, but we had concerns
about the account access etc, but it appears that if we use hash
tagging, we can filter the messages, so everyone can join in, just need
a twitter plug in for word press.
- Possible RSS feed from the site for updates. There is a basic one
already, but if we can get the twitter thing going, there may not be a need.
- Lug Radio
- Linux's stuff + BBQ (BBQ weather is hopefully here)
One thing that was just an off shoot thing was the possibility of some
sort of outing for Lug members (this was discussed when a few had gone
home). What do people think?
Also, for those that didn't attended, you missed the Netbook (and very
nice it was)
Anyway, we are hoping for the next meeting to be on the 8th June at the
same venue.