Hi Kevan,
staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk wrote:
> Or are you persisting with a wireless adapter?
Nope, this is purely a wired PC no wireless on it.
> Can you pull the lspci -v output for your NIC(s).
I could and was prepared to do that until I found that this live
distro was working :-)
TH: I only asked for the lspci output as it's quite crucial in forming
an answer: if you were attempting to run with an obscure NIC then it may
explain why the module support in the kernel has been flakey until now.
And not all distros will ship non-free software with their standard
distributions, if it required a binary blob.
Everything else worked great just not web at
all. I can only assume it was something being blocked through my old
D-Link router.
TH: If by 'everything else', you mean that IP access across your LAN
worked, with only Internet access failing, then it may well have been
some DHCP compatibility whilst assigning DNS servers.
Or by 'web' you could mean the NIC wasn't able to communicate on an
Ethernet/IP level... Clarification needed. Though if the latter was
indeed your meaning, then refer to the above regarding modules/NIC support.