On 31/10/2007, ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin <dick_turpin@archlinux.us> wrote:
On 31/10/2007, stuart bell < sailing1@gmail.com> wrote:

Maybe it's phishing??

I'm with you on this one Stuart, strikes me as spam/info gathering.


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.
Staffslug mailing list

I don't know actually. Computerword is close to where I live, a massive office. Its funny how a local company is sending to a local person. we are yet to be able to work out what they actually do, but i dont know, it may be genuine.

Kris Douglas
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