Well.. They want to run multiple instances of the distro on one machine, so fairly light on the resources.


From: staffslug-bounces@staffslug.org.uk [mailto:staffslug-bounces@staffslug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Kris Douglas
Sent: 01 August 2007 21:02
To: staffslug@staffslug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Small Linux


You are looking at either an old centos server install...or maybe something like FreeNAS which has ProFTPd

How small do you mean by small?

On 01/08/07, Dave@Staffslug <Dave@staffslug.org.uk> wrote:

Hello one and all.


I've been asked what Distro of Linux would be good just to be used to provide an FTP service (got to be a small footprint as poss)..


Any recommendations?

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