Foolhardy indeed!!  I'm only installing it so that I can use the all the super whizzy tablet features that I don't think are running under Linux yet. Cancel or Allow.  I have also been having no end of problems getting the various distros to get out onto the internet - seems to be a DNS issue which is complicated further by the fact - Cancel or Allow - that I'm using OpenDNS which is Linux friendly.  It's an odd one.  I've actually burned off Mandriva One 2007 to have a look at so I'm not 100% sure on the Gentoo yet.  I know about it being an arse - Cancel or Allow - to use but i figured if i'm going to get my skills somewhere - it might as well not be an easy road!  (I like challenges!) - I'll use EXT3 - Sold!!

On 3/23/07, stuart bell <> wrote:
On 22/03/07, Dick Turpin <> wrote:

Hey Guys, Carl sounds like he's about to install V*sta. Very Brave! (foolhardy?)
May be we could schedule a meeting at his house so we can watch!!
Use EXT3 Carl - works with everything and 100% reliable.