On 23/07/07, Joe Zambon <joe.zambon@jznet.org.uk> wrote:

See this could bring the whole thread swinging back round to advocacy of
FOSS.  I don't understand why so many people want to use proprietary
software with the horrid overhead of a GUI on a server when there's much
better stuff to do it like Debian or FreeBSD.  Hell...ubuntu server is
amazingly easy to setup as a LAMP box.  A lot of the websites that are
out there are a bit too ambitious for the hardware they're hosted from
in my opinion.  I've heard of and seen people setup an XP (*spit*) box
as a webserver running on a 466MHz processor with 128MB RAM...MOST of
which is going to the explorer gui!

I'm not so bothered about the Server software in respect of this thread just the awful *Look and Feel* of websites in general I just wonder if the creators even look at their finished product and if they do when's their next appointment at SpecSavers!


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.