pub +2

From: [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Marriott []
Sent: 25 March 2009 20:22
Subject: Re: [Staffslug] Meeting Rooms

pub +1

2009/3/25 Tom Hill <>
To add to that, Chris Howard and John Cowley share and office - Chris
himself is currently 'experimenting' with SuSe Linux on his netbook, so
may well be interested.

Though the response from either member will most likely be along the
lines of 'there's someone that deals with this - ask them'. In which
case, you'll be back to a £60 charge.

I'm personally not opposed to Weatherspoons (or another public
house/venue) but I may find that I'm alone in that. Given that the
meetings span dinner time, it's often nice to have the possibility of
eating/drinking whilst we're there.  But anyway.. :)