> alas, the Website of Robert Derman,  http://www.dermancomputer.com,
seems to have vanished

does this help: http://web.archive.org/web/20070215141342/http://www.dermancomputer.com/

2008/12/21 Frank Mitchell <mitchell@wyatt672earp.force9.co.uk>
Hi Guys:

I discovered the disadvantage of putting an Ext2 File System on DVD+RW:
FreeBSD and NetBSD can't mount it, even though they're fine with Ext2 on a
Hard Disk partition.

Also alas, the Website of Robert Derman,  http://www.dermancomputer.com,
seems to have vanished, along with his useful free E-Book: "You Can Build Your
Own Computer".

Faictz Ce Que Vouldras: Frank Mitchell

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