>> I see, thanks. I need to meet you guys and brush up on my
Staffs LUG
>> history! Perhaps an article on the web site is in order.
>> If there were to be any events that required expenditure then it might
>> be
>> useful to have LUG funds and have them properly administered.
>> That's maybe for the future; I would have thought that an install fest
>> could
>> be done with donated facilities etc.
> I can give a fairly brief one...
> Early 00's there was a meet at a curry house in alsager... not too
> sure what went on, but simon (who is inactive on the lug lately),
> martin, dave the founder, richard smedley
> 2006 jan - meet in simon's house... curry night, very much a social...
> nothing really came of it
> I arranged a meet in stafford... curry again, then some time spent in
> whetherspoons... not much happened there, but it was more of a "do we
> actually want to achieve anything" situation again
> Then i got too busy to be involved... lost touch with meets but i
> believe there was a meet at keele, possibly a couple... anyone shed
> any more on what happened there? if anything was achieved?...
> That's very brief... but basically there's nobody in charge (sorry
> dave, it's gotta be said...)
> Think thats about right?
> Andrew
> _______________________________________________
> Staffslug mailing list
> Staffslug(a)staffslug.org.uk
Ok, fair point things are not organised and yes I take responsibility, but
in my defence I don't know what, exactly people want from the group (I
believe I had pinged for ideas in the past), and as it has been mentioned
its me and as a fair few others in this group, time is something that I
dont have much off.
1. What do people want?
2. Do you want a more structured approach towards the lug?
3. Do you want someone else to head up the lug?
4. What can people do for the lug?
Staffslug mailing list
When I used to live in castle way back, Dave and me got the initial draft
of what became staffslug going. Over 10 years later and many years the
wiser I am really pleased that the lug is thriving. I now live in Kent and
have to say that the lug down here is thriving with many an event year
The lug needs to be what the members want it to be. It exists soley and
because of its members. The original idea was for like minded enthusiasts
to get together and enjoy each others company, swap ideas and look to the
In answer to Dave's point #2 it is probably now time for a structure to be
put in place. The lug needs a constitution or at least a set of ideals.
All those out there that can contribute should contribute, regular
meetings need to be organised at least one every two months. I would have
loved to be involved in the lug upto this day to the level required
although it is a bit hard from over 200 miles away. Perhaps what needs to
happen is that all of the most active members need to get a meeting
together and decide the way forward. There are only two major ways
forward, one being to be a loose organisation of shared common ideals. The
other formalise the lug and get a constitution.
In the event that a meeting can be arranged for a Friday/Saturday night I
would be more than happy to attend. My current employment makes life very
hard for me to get back to Stoke these days - I work for one of the worlds
foremost technology leaders on one of the world biggest ever outsourcing
deals where an IT department had to be built from scratch.
Perhaps the lug needs some projects to work with to engage the members -
maybe for those who are attending the local Uni's some of the work could
be tied into the courses you are on. I really advocate Linux/Open Source
in the business place. If anyone wants to see a thriving lug take a look
atwww.kent.lug.org.uk - better still check out there mailing list. It is
nearly always active.
Perhaps if people on here like the idea and it is possible for one of the
meetings I could come up and present a talk about the areas that I work in
(UNIX Systems Admin, Data Protection, Storage and Disaster Recovery) I
could talk about Linux in the world of Pharma and how it put to use.
Whatever the lug decides I wish that it continues to prosper and grow.