Google for moving OS from one disk to a larger drive using DD and fdisk.There are some quite comprehensive guides out there. I use DD reasonably regularly for moving M$ partitions.

Tools like partedmagic might well be most suited but I just use Knoppix.

To be entirely frank with you though, unless you are interested in the exercise itself, the quickest option might be a separate install. I speak from grim experience!


On 01/10/2007, Kevanf1 <> wrote:
.... I did something not so much silly but perhaps a little
shortsighted the other day.  Remember I set up Kubuntu 7.04 on a spare
PC the other day?  Well, being as it was supposedly only an experiment
I only used a 6gb drive :-(  Consequently I don't have all that much
room on it.  What I'd like to do is move the whole lot, as it is, over
to an 80gb drive that I now have spare (just put a 500gb in the main

So, what's the best way of going about doing this?  I have plenty of
Live CD's knocking such as the latest stable Knoppix.  Yes, I'll even
use the CLI for once if I have to ;-)


Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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