On 15/08/07, Joe Zambon <joe.zambon@jznet.org.uk> wrote:

Just for the record.

Chocolate != ubuntu brown.

Good point, No brown for me. What about Plain Chocolate? Yum

On 15/08/07, Kris Douglas < webbox.uk@gmail.com > wrote:

Dave, I do understand that. I didn't say it was useless, just not the best. I think something like nuke is just as big and stupid for the cause. I mean, if we switch over entirely to a forum, you can still have a chat system, a lugradio linkup and an articles section. What more do you need, really?

What happened to the #staffslug idea or did I get left behind on that one?

For me personally I'm not keen on converting this list to a Forum based setup I'd prefer to keep it as a mailing list but that's just me.


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for intermediate and advanced Linux users. Utilising a Rolling Release System packages are regularly updated and an ISO release is just a snapshot to the stable packages at that time. So there's no need for a fresh install the command 'pacman –Syu' upgrades the whole system.