I agree, i would love to help you get your pc upto a moderate level of opperation...

On 09/03/07, Kevanf1 <kevanf1@gmail.com> wrote:
On 09/03/07, simon law <simonjohnlaw@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Having just taken windows xp off my PC, and installed ubuntu witch works
> great. But i do have a problem. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT. I cannot install
> things like web-cam, Internet TV for football, etc is there a Linux o/s more
> like windows to get me started as i do not want to go back to windows but
> may have to please help
>  simon law
> simonjohnlaw@yahoo.co.uk
> sijohnlaw@talktalk.net

Hi Simon.  Firstly, don't blame Linux for those odds and sods not
working, that's down to the manufacturers I'm afraid.  If the
manufacturers don't write a driver for Windows then they wouldn't work
with that OS either.  So, if you have a problem with a particular
peripheral try a Google search first just entering the name of the
peripheral and it's model number.  Try this instead of the general
Google search:


Now, software... Again, Linux is not Windows :-) I know, it sounds a
daft thing to say but they really are only similar in that they will
both work as an operating system, that's as far as any similarity
goes.  However, there are some distro's that are made to look and have
a similar manner of doing things as Windows does.  This does not mean
that they will run software designed for Windows, it's diiferent.
It's like putting diesel into your petrol engined car and expecting it
to work.  But there is a work around :-)  There are programs that can
be installed into Linux to work as a sort of layer that fools the
software into tinking it is running on a Windows machine.  It does
this with the use of some very cleverly written code.  You have a
choice of:

WINE - WINE IS Not an Emulator which is free
CrossOver Linux (it used to be called CrossOver Office) which is paid for
or, if you are into gaming, there is Cedega.

Each one of these will run various Windows programs with varying
degrees of success.  Don't be fooled into thinking that if you go for
the purchased variety that it will work better than WINE; it's not
always like that :-)

Perhaps if you could tell us a bit more about the things (hardware)
that doesn't yet work and the software you would like to run under
Linux then we might be able to help a bit more :-)  hopefully...

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Kevan Farmer
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