No not seen it. For my telly's sake I hope I don't!

Does this mean they will be publishing the Windows 7 source code?


2009/2/18 Kevanf1 <>
Hands up anybody who has seen the tv ad all about computer openess
etc.  At first I thought "bloody hell, is this an ad on UK tv for
Ubuntu or Linux in general?"  It was going on about how this company
is open so that everybody can collaborate and share in the 'open'.
Open was really pushed, can you tell.  Then right at the end came the
clincher.  It was an advert for bloody Microsoft!!!!  Laugh, I
couldn't stop crying.  It is an absolute blatant rip off of the open
source way of life.

I hope they get sued for it because it really is a nasty advert.


Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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