Hi Mark and welcome to Staffs LUG :-)
Ok, firstly, you will now incur the wrath of another member who is
known and loved by all as Dick Turpin. He's called this because he
will fleece you of every penny that you own and will earn until the
end of your days... Just kidding of course ;-) and that should show
you what sort of a LUG we are i.e. very friendly and always joking.
Actually Dick merely has this unbelievable aversion to the poo distro
that is Ubuntu. But I'm slowly weaning him onto Kubuntu ;-)
Meetings... are normally riotous affairs..well the first two were
anyway and it's been downhill since then I gather. Initiations...none
really :-))))
As long as you don't top post you will be fine......
Hopefully I'll see you at our next meeting?
Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362
Hehe well I am determined to wean myself off the 'golden brown' distro one of
these days, just built myself an awesome new rig (quad core Q6600, 4G PC-5400, ultra-quiet
super-micro tower :-D ) which really deserves a bit more to be honest! At the moment
just gots Ubuntu with a VM or two. Suggestions welcome...
Also noticed the new Asus sub-notebook, targeted at 'educational users' which
seems like a good idea:
Comes with Xandros pre-installed though - if I got one I'd have to put proper Deb on
there :)
Anyway that's enough fantasising about hardware; yep will hopefully be coming to the
meeting, looking forward to it!
Feel like a local wherever you go.