On 10/08/06, dave(a)staffslug.org.uk <dave(a)staffslug.org.uk> wrote:
Just saying a quick hello to everyone..
How is everyone?
Not bad. We moved out of our old (small, rented) house into our new
(larger, bought) house on Monday. NTL failed to turn up, but they're
due to come and wire us up today, so once we've cleared enough space
for the computers we'll have Internet access again (I'm writing this
from work). We've still got to clean up the old house & move some bits
out, but that'll be done in the next few weeks, then we just have to
unpack all the boxes and organise the new house.
We're busy for much of August, but we should be able to make a
mid-week meeting if someone wants to suggest a date & venue. If
Matthew Wellings from OpenForEveryone has some business cards, I'd
like to take some from him. Then, if I hear someone complain that you
can't get a Linux laptop for £700, I can give them a card (happened at
the last Wolves LUG meet - I told him the URL, but I'd have liked to
have a card to hand over)