you're 100% right - we just need someone with the commitment to do it...
unfortunately, i'm too busy to contribute more than a few articles right now
2009/1/22 Jonothon Nihill <jonothon.nihill(a)>:
Did anyone catch the mention we got in the latest linuxoutlaws
I also wanted to mention having looked at the other lug's websites is there
anything we can do to "pretty" up the website? I've tried to look at the
articles and it looks like they have html tags aplenty? I'm not being
negative or anything but compared to wolveslug it's a bit lacking. Is it the
fault of the CMS we have running? I have loads of ideas for articles and
have a good few written up already, but dont really want to submit them to
the site if they are going to look like the ones that are already there.
I have a spare box that could be used to test potential replacements to the
site without having to commit to any particular piece of software.
I might be really wrong here and am willing to accept it and If I'm coming
across as agressive please tell me. It's just that I'm very passionate about
having something like the lug in our area being as good as it can be.
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