On 20/05/07, Dick Turpin <dick_turpin@opensuse.us> wrote:
Hi All

If like me you like eye candy head over to the link below. This guy has created some awesome Icons many of which are specific to the distro of your choice. take a peek at the second thumbnail to see if yours is there.

I installed the ArchLinux one about 5 minutes ago and its perfect (for me)

Now if you like system sounds here is my favorite, its an eerie, mystical collection the clue is in the name 'Borealis'

There are full instructions on how to install, if I can  do it anyone can.


Dick Turpin
"There is every excuse for not knowing
There is no excuse for not asking!"

Staffslug mailing list

V'nice. This guy bases his work on all OS X styles. I like them.

        Kris Douglas - Softdel Limited

Web: www.softdel.net
Mail: kris@softdel.net