Hi, if you havn't herd of them, Aria.co.uk sell those "shuttle" cases for a good price. They do all sorts of components and their tech support, in Manchester, not India... I use them a lot. Then there is also Overclockers.co.uk, they sell them too :)

So, now you can go hunt down the identical thing and say, oh crap, i think i just got robbed :P

On 18/05/07, Dick Turpin <dick_turpin@opensuse.us> wrote:
Hi All

Seeing as there's been nothing posted for a few days I thought I'd get things moving again. Anyone else using Google Checkout? I spent some bucks today and purchased two of these http://aspireusa.net/popup_image.php?pid=147 one red and one black I want to split my box at home which is currently dual boot with XP Home and openSUSE.

I did want the green one for the SUSE but the only UK site that said they had some was not answering the phone which made me suspicious anyway I've purchased them from different places one being ebuyer there's an option to log your details with Google Checkout which in turn then allows you to purchase from any vendor that supports that method of payment plus you get a £10 discount if you purchase with that system.

I have to say I'm pretty impressed so far my Gmail account has had four mails telling me the progress of my orders and gives a link to track your goods. Apparently one box is already on a van and hurtling down the M6 from Manchester as we speak.

Now all I have to do is wait for the phone call at work from the misses when they turn up "WTF's this you've ordered I thought you was skint?" ;-)

Dick Turpin
"There is every excuse for not knowing
There is no excuse for not asking!"

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