Dear All,
Firstly, thank you to all those that attended, and yes I managed to find
my way back to the M6!!
Right, on to business.
1. The next meeting will be on Monday 9th March at the same venue.
2. There is going to be a quick look into the possibility of the
availability of a meeting place.
3. We are ditching e107 with a view to getting word press up and running
(I am in the process of looking into the set-up now)
4. Having a "newbie" section so we can introduce them to what we are etc
and also, if they have questions a kind of basic what is expected (fill in
any more if I've missed anything out)
5. A sort of code of conduct when responding to questions i.e. avoid
responding with just RTFM as it's the best way to scare people off!
6. Possibility setting up a bit more of an agenda for the next meeting.
If anyone else has any items that I've missed, please shout up.
Anyway, thanks again, I think the meeting went really well.