On 11 January 2011 14:13, Dave R <dave(a)staffslug.org.uk> wrote:
With regard to having a north staffs meet, firstly, how many people
wanting this and also, if enough people wanted a meeting, then we could
have the following structure:
Op 1. Meet once a month along side the Stafford meeting
Op 2. Alternate the meetings so we have:
- Stafford Social
- North Staff Social
- Stafford Tech
- North Staff Tech
Op 3. Alternate the meetings so we have:
- Stafford Social
- North Staff Social
- Stafford Tech
- I think that maybe if there was to be a north staffs meeting then it
- could be in addition to the stafford one?
I think some of those would work, Op 3 is probably the best, just have
a mixed tech-social up north and then full on alternating for the main
"staffs" meet.
Alternating the dates would be a good idea, imo. It would mean if
someone doesn't make it to the main meet they can then come to the
north one and catch up should they want to.
Regards, Kris Douglas.
T. 0845 004 2066 | M. 07728574285