2009/2/17 Simon Faulkner <simon@titanic.co.uk>

Don't get me wrong, I *love*  the wireless article - (dear to my heart
since Ubuntu seems to have broken wireless networking in 8.10) but there
are LOADS of linux sites/lists working on problems and tech tips -
surely the emphasis for that StaffsLUG site has to be local info and
what's going on in our area?

For what it's worth; I don't see a problem with individuals contributing their own articles and having them on the site. Not sure having it on the front page is ideal. Why not have a section on the web site with links to outstanding howtos (perhaps acknowleging the popular distros of the day)? This would be a useful reference resource particularly for Linux newbies.

I think the list is a good place for help with narrow technical issues.
